许英顾建国周仁明.46 例甲状腺功能亢进性心脏病临床分析[J].,2011,11(8):1546-1548
46 例甲状腺功能亢进性心脏病临床分析
The Clinical Analysis of 46 Patients with Hyperthyroid Cardiopathy
中文关键词: 甲状腺功能亢进  心脏病
英文关键词: Hyperthyroidism  Heart disease
许英顾建国周仁明 上海市松江区泗泾医院 
摘要点击次数: 858
全文下载次数: 984
      目的:探讨甲状腺功能亢进性心脏病的防治措施。方法:回顾性分析2003 年6 月至2009 年6 月收治的46 例甲状腺功能抗 进性心脏病患者的临床资料。其中男20 例,女26 例,年龄15-78 岁,病程7 月-30 年;伴心功能衰竭28 例(60.9%),心房纤颤30 例(65.2%),和病态窦房结综合征1 例(2.2%)。结果:46 例患者均服用甲状腺药物治疗后,甲亢病情缓解, 心力衰竭好转。30 例心房 纤颤患者中,19 例恢复窦性心律, 剩余11 例平均心室率控制在70-100 次/min。结论:甲亢性心脏病治疗的关键在于早期诊断,甲 亢病情控制后, 绝大部分心脏异常可减轻或消失。
      Objective : To investigate the prophylactico-therapeutic measures with hyperthyroid cardiopathy. Methods:The clinical data of 46 patients with thyrotoxic cardiopathy in hospital from June 2003 to June 2009,20 males and 26 females,aged 15--78 years old,with the course from 7 month to 30 years,were analyzed retrospectivelv.Twenty-eight of the 46 patients (60.9%)presented heart failure,30 patients (65.2%)showed atrial fibrillation,1 patients (2.2%)showed sick sinus syndrome. Results:The 46 patients with thyrotoxicosis condition and heart failure were improved by pharmacological treatmen.t 19 cases of 30 cases with atrial fibrillation restored sinus rhythm, the heart rate of o ther 11 cases was controlled by 70-100tmies /min. Conclusion:The key to the treatment o f hyperthyroid cardiopathy is to be diagnosed early and control thyrotoxicosis as quickly as possible. Most of heart disorder can lighten or disappear after thyrotoxicosis is controlled.
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