Construction of Three-dimensional Bilingual Teaching Resourcesin Systematic Anatomy
中文关键词: 系统解剖学  双语教学  立体化资源
英文关键词: Systematic anatomy  Bilingual education  Three-dimensional resources
基金项目:2010 年中南大学教学改革研究立项项目(编号:93);国家自然基金资助项目(编号:31000525), 中南大学自由探索计划青年教师助推专项项目(201012200188)
李芳蔡艳李昌琪潘爱华熊鲲张建一 中南大学湘雅医学院人体解剖学与神经生物学系 
摘要点击次数: 716
全文下载次数: 1023
      系统解剖学是医学生最为重要的专业基础课程之一。近年来,我们一直坚持双语教学,2008 年我校系统解剖学获得首批国 家双语教学示范课程。为建设好双语教学示范课程,我们积极开展解剖学双语教学探索和实践,着重于该门课程的立体化双语教 学资源的建设,以纸质教材为主体,利用不同教学媒体的优点来呈现解剖学不同的教学内容,形成一个立体化的双语教学资源, 并应用于教学实践活动中,达到提高学生专业英语理解能力,灵活运用外语思维解决医学问题能力的目标。
      Systematic anatomy is one of the most important specialized basic courses for medical students. We are persisting in bilingual education in recent years and the course of systematic anatomy in our university has been awarded as the first national demonstration lesson of bilingual education about systematic anatomy. In order to make it better, we actively explored and practiced the bilingual education, especially making emphasis on the construction of three-dimensional resources. Putting the textbook as principal part, we presented the different contents by taking the advantages of different teaching medium, and formed three-dimensional teaching resources. Then we apply it to teaching practice as to enhance the ability of understanding special English of medical students, and to equip them with the capability of solving medical questions in a English thinking way flexibly.
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