Current Research of Tolerance of Elderly Patients with Advanced Non-SmallCell Lung Cancer Towards Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy
中文关键词: 老年  晚期NSCLC  放化疗  耐受性
英文关键词: Elderly  Advanced NSCLC  Chemotherapy  Tolerance
朱蔚史恒军 第四军医大学唐都医院中西医结合科 
摘要点击次数: 696
全文下载次数: 1295
      近年多组大规模的随机对照研究已经证实:放化疗对于老年晚期NSCLC 患者好于最佳支持治疗(BSC),放化疗组的有效 率、中位生存期、一年生存率显著高于BSC 组,但老年人伴随着年龄的增长器官功能衰退、药代酶活性下降等生理因素,常合并其 他疾病等原因,其药效学和药动学也随之发生变化,老年NSCLC 放化疗的潜在毒性危险可能增加,治疗耐受性较差,综合治疗可 能带来较多的并发症, 甚至高的治疗相关死亡率。中医学认为化疗副反应主要表现为气血亏损、脾胃失调及肝肾虚损等症候群, 放疗副反应的症候群以热象较重,属热毒之邪耗气伤阴,进而灼津烁血以致气血、肌肤、脏腑受损的火郁、燥结、热毒症候较多。中 医药在减轻放化疗的毒副作用、提高老年患者对放化疗的耐受性等方面有明显优势。
      In recent years, the groups of large-scale randomized controlled studies have confirmed which radiotherapy and chemotherapy for elderly patients with advanced NSCLC patients is better than the best supportive care (BSC), the efficiency of radiotherapy and chemotherapy group, the median survival time, one year survival rate was significantly higher than the BSC group. But along with the age old organ function decline, fall in pharmacokinetic activity of physiological factors, which often associated with other diseases and other reasons, that the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic also will be changed.Elderly NSCLC radiotherapy and chemotherapy may increase the risk of potential toxicity, the treatment was well tolerated poor,more comprehensive treatment of possible complications, and even a high treatment-related mortality. The side effects of chemotherapy in medicine mainly as blood loss, wasting and other stomach disorders, liver and kidney syndrome,syndrome side effects of radiation to heat as the heavy consumption of an evil poison gas heat Shangyin, Shuo Jin and then burning the blood resulting in blood, skin, internal organs damaged by fire, depression, dry guitar, hot thyrotoxicosis waiting more. Chinese medicine in reducing the toxic side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and improv ing the tolerance are obvious advantages.
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