李小溪李筱涵郭晓东李波孙志强.血清与血浆中HBsAg 在全自动酶免分析检测结果比较[J].,2011,11(12):2345-2346
血清与血浆中HBsAg 在全自动酶免分析检测结果比较
Comparison of Test Results of HBsAg in Serum and Plasmaby Automatic ELISA Analysis
中文关键词: 血清  血浆  HBsAg  全自动酶免分析  检测结果
英文关键词: Serum  plasma  HBsAg  Automatic enzyme immunoassay analysis  Test results
李小溪李筱涵郭晓东李波孙志强 解放军第302 医院 
摘要点击次数: 659
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      目的:探讨血浆取代血清检测乙肝标志物的检测结果以及临床意义。方法:选取我科检测乙肝标志物的血样30 份,分别放在 抗凝剂管和普通干燥试管,采用全自动酶免疫分析仪检测HBsAg ,将检测结果进行OD 及S/CO 值统计处理,并进行比较分析。结 果:血清与二种血浆检测结果相关系数均0 .99, 二种血浆与血清结果相关关系良好(P >0 .0 5 ) ,无显著性差异。结论:血浆代替血 清完全可以用于全自动酶标分析仪进行检测,既可以节省预处理时间,又可以减少标本在分离吸移血清过程中出现差错,值得临 床推广和应用。
      Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of the plasma instead of the serum in the detection of HBV markers. Methods: A total of 30 blood samples were selected and detected HbsAg by automatic enzyme immunoassay analyzer, The test results were statistically treated and comparatively analyzed. Results: Serum and plasma results of two correlation coefficients were 0.99, two kinds of relationship between plasma and serum results well (P>0.05), no significant difference. Conclusion: Plasma instead of serum enzyme fully automated analyzer can be used to detect both pre-save time and reduce the serum specimens in the process of separation pipette errors and is worthy of promotion and application.
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