张书芬1 龚姗2 陈晓冬2 李云飞3 郝天羽3.单胎头位初产妇产程图分析[J].,2011,11(18):3461-3464
Partogram Analysis of Single Fetal Head Position Primipara
中文关键词: 产程图  头位难产  产程。
英文关键词: Partogram  Head position dystocia  Labor
张书芬1 龚姗2 陈晓冬2 李云飞3 郝天羽3 第二军医大学济南临床医学院- 济南军区总医院 
摘要点击次数: 870
全文下载次数: 1329
      目的:探讨存在难产因素初产妇产程图的临床意义。方法:对2009 年6 月至2010 年6 月在济南军区总医院住院分娩的326 例单胎头位初产妇的产程图进行回顾性分析。结果:产程图异常组中难产因素的构成比和剖宫产率均高于产程图正常组;存在难 产因素的组别(胎方位异常组、宫缩乏力组、巨大儿组)产程中各阶段时限均较正常产妇组长,宫颈扩张速度均较正常组慢,胎头 位置均高于正常组,以上差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在产程中对产程图中各阶段时限、宫颈扩张速度及胎头位置等指标 进行监测,来预测和及时发现头位难产因素的存在,及时给予处理,改善母儿预后。
      Objective: To explore the clinical significance of primipara partogram with dystocia factors. Methods: Retrospectively analyze the partogram of 326 cases of single fetal head position primipara deliveried in Jinan Military General Hospital from June 2009 to June 2010. Results: The composition of dystocia factors and cesarean section rate in abnormal partogram group were higher than normal partogram group; Groups with dystocia factors (fetal position abnormal group, uterine inertia group, fetal macrosomia group) each stage time of labor were longer, cervical dilatation slower, fetal head position higher than normal group, the above differences are statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Monitoring the indicators such as each stage time, cervical dilatation, fetal head position in the partogram can predict and discover dystocia factors in time and improve the outcome.
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