王荣付1 刘小鹏2 张杰3 杨忠君1 程芳1.农村地区慢性病流行现状及控制管理对策分析[J].,2011,11(18):3536-3539
Research on Epidemic Status of Chronic Diseases and Control Measuresin Rural Areas
中文关键词: 慢性病  农村卫生  流行  控制管理
英文关键词: Chronic disease  Rural health  Prevalent  Control measures
王荣付1 刘小鹏2 张杰3 杨忠君1 程芳1 冯家峪镇社区卫生服务中心 
摘要点击次数: 588
全文下载次数: 1075
      慢性病严重危害人群健康,已成为疾病负担的主要原因。本文通过三间分布(人群分布、地区分布、时间分布)发现,我国农 村地区慢性病患病率随年龄增加而增高;发病年龄提前;年龄越小,增幅越大;不同的慢性病在性别间呈现不同的发病趋势;农村 居民现代医学知识缺乏,健康意识淡薄,对慢性病的知晓率、治疗率和控制率低;农村地区经济收入低,医疗保障差,慢性病会对 其经济上造成沉重的负担;农村的慢性病患病率增长已经快于城市,且在死因顺位中上升。针对目前我国农村地区慢性病的这些 流行现状,进一步分析了农村地区慢性病防治存在的主要问题,并提出了控制对策及管理方法。
      Chronic disease imposes huge threat to the people's life, and it has become the main source of disease burden. This research by distribution of disease found that, in china's rural areas, the prevalence rate of the chronic disease increased with the age; the incidence advanced with an early age; The smaller of age, the greater the incidence rate increased; different chronic diseases in gender with different trend; rural residents had less knowledge of modern medical, lack the sense of health, also with lower rate of knowing, treatment and controlment; because of the lower income and the poorer medical care, chronic diseases caused heavy burden in the economic; the prevalence rate of the chronic disease increased faster than the city, and also increased in the death causes. According to the present situations, this article also proposes control measures after analyzing the problems existing in the chronic disease in the rural areas.
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