Analysis of Factors Related to Fall of Patients in Department of Neurologyand Nursing Measures
中文关键词: 神经内科  跌倒  危险因素  护理对策
英文关键词: Department of Neurology  Fall  Risk factors  Nursing
张力娜刘颖张靖刘静孙桂志张慧 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院神经内科 
摘要点击次数: 790
全文下载次数: 1144
      目的:探讨影响神经内科患者跌倒的原因及影响因素,以便医护人员采取有效的护理措施预防患者跌倒,为神经内科防控住 院患者跌倒提供切实可行的依据。方法:本研究采用回顾性调查分析的方法,对我院2009 年10 月-2010 年10 神经内科住院患者 跌倒原因进行调查分析。结果:研究显示,调查的2307 例患者中,发生跌倒79 例,跌倒发生率为3.42%,影响神经内科患者跌倒的 危险因素包括患者自身的疾病、年龄、药物原因、运动能力障碍、视听力障碍和认知能力障碍。患者自身的疾病、年龄和药物原因 为主要影响因素。结论:神经内科患者发生跌倒与其年龄、基础疾病严重程度及使用药物等有关,护理人员可依据致使患者发生 跌倒的危险因素,有针对性的采取防控措施,降低神经内科患者跌倒发生率,有效保障患者安全,提高护理质量。
      Objectie: To explore thefactors related to fall of patients in Department of Neurology and nursing measures. Methods: We retrospectively investigated the causes of fall of hospitalized patients,who were admitted in Department of Neurology in our hospital during October 2009 to October 2010. Results: Among 2307 patients,there were 79 cases of fall and the incidence of falls was 3.42%. The risk factors affecting falls in patients in Department of Neurology included patients' own diseases, age, cause of drug, exercise capacity barriers, audio-visual and cognitive disorders and so on, in which, patients' own diseases, age and cause of drug are main affecting factors. Conclusion: Falling of patients in Department of Neurology is related to their age, severity of underlying disease and drug use According to these risk factors,nurses can take preventive and control measures to improve nursing quality and to reducethe incidence of falls of patients in Department of Neurology.
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