李昀1,2 卢光琇1,2.细胞移植治疗脑瘫的研究现状[J].,2011,11(18):3558-3561
The Status of Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
中文关键词: 细胞移植  脑瘫动物模型  细胞种类
英文关键词: Cell therapy  Cerebral palsy animal model  Cell sorts
基金项目:中南大学前沿研究计划前瞻布局研究重大项目(201021200070);国家973 项目(2005CB522705); 国家863 计划项目(2006AA02A102)
李昀1,2 卢光琇1,2 中南大学生殖与干细胞工程研究所 
摘要点击次数: 770
全文下载次数: 990
      小儿脑性瘫痪(简称脑瘫)是目前小儿时期最主要的神经运动功能伤残疾病,且终生存在。尽管有支持性医护,但是目前并 没有效治疗的方法。近几年,许多实验室开展了利用干细胞移植治疗脑瘫动物模型的研究,并且报道说人脐血干细胞和间充质干 细胞对于脑瘫是有治疗作用的。而神经干细胞也被用于移植治疗脑瘫动物模型,并被证明这些移植的神经干细胞能迁移至受损 脑部并分化为神经元。本文就至今已发表的一些细胞移植治疗脑瘫的研究中所用到的细胞种类做一综述。
      Neonatal cerebral palsy is a major disease of long-term neuromotor function disability in children. Despite advances in supportive care, no treatments for cerebral palsy are available at present. In recent years, the use of stem/progenitor cell transplantation in animal models of cerebral palsy has also been evaluated in several laboratories. It was shown that human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells and mesenchymal stem cells may have a therapeutic potential through multiple mechanisms. Neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs) have also been transplanted in animaI models of cerebral palsy, migrating long distances to ischemic brain areas and differentiating into neurons. In this review, we give a overview of the kinds of cells used in different studies published up to now.
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