于波汤淼孔晓梅关金凤张臻张丽娜.ICU 气管插管患者非计划拔管的原因、影响因素分析及护理对策[J].,2011,11(19):3724-3727
ICU 气管插管患者非计划拔管的原因、影响因素分析及护理对策
Analysis of Reasons for Unplanned Extubation and Factors in EndotrachealIntubated ICU Patients and Nursing Strategy
中文关键词: ICU  气管插管  非计划拔管  影响因素  护理对策
英文关键词: ICU  Endotracheal tube  Unplanned extubation  Factors  Nursing
于波汤淼孔晓梅关金凤张臻张丽娜 大连医科大学附属二院ICU 
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全文下载次数: 812
      目的:了解导致ICU 患者非计划拔管发生的原因及影响因素,探讨出科学有效的护理对策,为降低ICU 患者非计划拔管的发 生率提供依据。方法:本研究采用回顾性分析的方法,对我院2008 年1 月至2010 年12 月29 例发生非计划拔管的患者进行分 析,找出原因及影响因素,制定有针对性的护理对策。结果:2008 年1 月至2010 年12 月我院ICU 患者非计划拔管率为4.2%,原 因主要是患者自身的因素和医源性原因。影响因素依次为插管不耐受、患者气道梗阻、医护操作不当、插管方式错误、缺少有效的 固定与约束及缺少有效镇静。结论:针对影响ICU 患者发生非计划拔管的危险因素,制定有效的护理对策,可以切实的降低ICU 患者非计划拔管发生率。
      Objective: To understand the causes and factors led to unplanned extubation in ICU patients, and to explore a scientific and effective nursing strategy for it. Methods: A total of 29 unplanned extubation patients in our hospital from January 2008 December 2010 were retrospectively analyzed to find out the reasons and factors and to develop the targeted nursing for the patients. Results: The unplanned extubation was 4.2% in ICU patients in our hospital from January 2008 December 2010, mainly due to patients' own factors and iatrogenic causes. Conclusion: To develop a effective nursing strategy ,according to the risk factors affecting unplanned extubation in ICU patients, can effectively reduce the incidence of unplanned extubation.in ICU patients.
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