曲丽1 郑英花1 李壮2 丁欣3 李利英4 杨怡5.护理干预对心内科住院患者跌倒的影响[J].,2011,11(19):3742-3745
Impact of Nursing Intervention on Inpatients' Falls in Department ofCardiology
中文关键词: 护理干预  心内科  住院患者  跌倒
英文关键词: Nursing intervention  Department of Cardiology  Inpatients  Fall
曲丽1 郑英花1 李壮2 丁欣3 李利英4 杨怡5 大连医科大学附属二院心内科 
摘要点击次数: 858
全文下载次数: 1061
      目的:探讨护理干预对心内科住院患者跌倒的影响,为临床护理及有效预防跌倒提供科学有效的依据。方法:对我院2010 年 1 月-2010 年7 月心内科991 例住院患者进行问卷调查与深入的访谈,对患者进行跌倒风险评估及危险因素分析,实施护理干预 后再次评估。结果:心内科住院患者发生跌倒的危险系数高,属于高危密集人群。实施使用床栏、使用固定及身体约束带、对患者 及家属进行安全教育和改善科室环境护理措施后,跌倒发生率有显著下降。结论:对患者进行跌倒风险评估后,有针对性的实施 护理干预,可以有效的降低心内科住院患者跌倒发生率,提高患者的生存质量,保护患者住院期间的安全。
      Objective: To explore the effects of nursing intervention on inpatients' falls in Department of Cardiology, and to provide a scientific and effective basis for clinical care in prevention of falls. Methods: A total of 991 inpatients in Department of Cardiology, admitted into our hospital from January 2010 to July 2010,were conducted a questionnaire survey. The inpatients were given assessment of falls risk , analysis of risk factors and nursing intervention. Results: The inpatients in Department of Cardiology belonged to high-risk populations and easy to fall.So use of bed rails, fixed protection and body restraint strap, as well as safety education for patients and their families and improvement of the environmental and nursing measures in the department, can significantly reduce the incidence of falls. Conclusion: After assessment of fall risks of inpatients, the implementation of targeted nursing interventions can effectively reduce the incidence of falls of inpatients in Department of Cardiology and improve the quality of life of inpatients and protect them during the hospitalization.
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