王峥1 聂同钢2 李敬永3.STR 分型应用于病理标本污染的个体识别[J].,2012,12(1):86-89
STR 分型应用于病理标本污染的个体识别
Application of Individual Identification through PCR-STR for IdentifyingContaminated Pathological Samples
中文关键词: 浆液性囊腺癌  标本污染  DNA 提取  STR 分型
英文关键词: Cystadenocarcinoma  Contaminated samples  DNA extraction  STR typing
王峥1 聂同钢2 李敬永3 吉林大学白求恩医学 
摘要点击次数: 936
全文下载次数: 1425
      目的:通过STR 分型,对两例卵巢囊腺癌病理标本的组织细胞进行个体识别,以鉴别其中一例病理标本癌细胞是否源于污 染。方法:对甲醛固定石蜡包埋组织,分别切片后在倒置显微镜下,用显微操作系统分离出不同形态的细胞团,对提取的DNA 样 本进行常规STR 扩增检验。结果:经过STR 分型比对,证实病理标本存在污染,其中一例的癌细胞来源于另一个体。结论:STR 分 型是用于病理石蜡包埋组织标本污染个体识别的有效手段。
      Objective: To use the STR typing to identify the two pathological samples of ovary cystadenocarcinoma, in order to identify whether one of two pathological samples was contaminated. Methods: Paraffin-embedded tissues were sliced and the different morphological cells were isolated by micro-operating system on inverted microscope. Extract DNA of the isolated cells, and get the genotype through regular PCR-STR method. Results: The genotype show the existence of contamination of the pathological samples and prove that cancer cells of sample were originated from the other sample. Conclusion: Individual identification through the PCR-STR method was the effective method to identify the contaminated pathological slice.
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