贾艳艳1 牛晟1 崔红1△ 顾克胜2 孔越1.汶川地震救援人员创伤后应激反应特征的初步研究[J].,2012,12(12):2375-2378
Preliminary Research on PTSD Symptoms Among Rescue SoldiersAfter May 12 Wenchuan Earthquake
中文关键词: 军队救援人员  创伤后应激障碍  焦虑  抑郁  睡眠质量
英文关键词: Military rescue  PTSD  Anxiety  Depression  Sleep quality
基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)专项课题(2008AA022602)
贾艳艳1 牛晟1 崔红1△ 顾克胜2 孔越1 解放军总医院医学心理科 
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      目的:探讨5.12 汶川地震军队救援人员创伤后应激损伤状况。方法:采用创伤后压力诊断量表、焦虑自评量表、抑郁自评量 表和匹兹堡睡眠质量问卷,在地震爆发后65 天左右,对107 名执行运输遗体任务的官兵进行了测量。结果:PTSD 症状轻度的占 84%,中重度的占15%。其中症状在1 个月内消失的占63%。从症状的分布来看,闯入性回忆占36.4%,回避29.9%,过度警觉 29.9%,焦躁不安或易怒37.4%,入睡困难、睡眠易醒或早醒43.9%,难以集中注意力45.8%,对重要的活动兴趣下降32.7%。救援人 员抑郁症状得分低于全国常模水平;焦虑自评量表得分与全国常模差异不显著。睡眠质量差的占72%,以入睡时间长和日间功能 降低为主。结论:担任遗体运输的救援官兵在救援早期普遍存在创伤后应激反症状,症状程度较轻,多数在1 个月内消失,焦虑和 抑郁症状水平的总体状况也比较低,但普遍存在睡眠质量差的问题,并且直接影响到日间功能。
      Objective: Investigating of PTSD symptoms among rescue soldiers in may 12 Wenchuan earthquake. Methods: 107 soldiers as drivers in charge of carrying out victims' corpses were investigated after 65 days of the earthquake. Subjects fulfilled four questionnaires, which are PTSD Scale, PSIQ, SDS, and SAS. Results: Subjects with minor PTSD symptoms were 84%, with middle and severe symptoms were 15%, and 63% were recovered within one month. The symptoms distributed as 36.4% of intrusive thoughts, 29.9% of avoidance, 29.9% of hypervigilance, 37.4% of emotional numbing, 43.9% of insomnia, 45.8% of memory/concentration difficulty, 32.7% of loss of interest, 72% of poor sleep quality, and subjects have higher depression scores compared with norms. Conclusion: Soldiers in charge of carrying out corpses appeared minor degree of PTSD during early time of rescue, and most of them would recover within one month. Subjects exhibited lower anxiety and depression, but significant disorder of sleep.
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