付达 胡文东.常用人格测验在军校大一新生心理档案中的应用及结果分析[J].,2012,12(14):2679-2684
The Application and Results Analysis of Common Personality Test Which isin Military School Freshmen's Psychological Files
中文关键词: 心理档案  16PF  MMPI  SCL-90  心理测量
英文关键词: Psychological archives  16PF  MMPI  SCL-90  personality test
付达 胡文东 第四军医大学航空航天医学系医学装备学教研室 
摘要点击次数: 947
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      目的:通过总结与分析,研究适合军校新入校大学生心理档案建立的合理人格测验。方法:分别采用卡特尔十六种人格因素 测验(16PF)、明尼苏达多项人格测验(MMPI)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)测量今年某军校大一新生98 名,剔除无效后保留有效数据 94 例,根据结果筛选人员并做相关分析。结果:①16PF 检测出3 名问题人员,MMPI 检测出18 名,SCL-90 检测出8 名。②MMPI 和SCL-90 有较高的相关性,r<0.42,P<0.05,MMPI 完全可以替代SCL-90③MMPI 部分临床量表与16PF 些许因素呈显著相关,可 考虑将相关因素加入16PF 评价标准里。结论:建立心理档案时,使用16PF 作为初筛测验,MMPI 作为复检测验,能够较完善地建 立心理档案。
      Objective: To find an applicable personality test which is suitable for establishing psychological files of freshmen in military collage. Methods: Test the 98 collage freshmen admitted in 2011 with 16pf, MMPI and SCL-90 scales respectively, then check the scores to screen freshmen with psychological defects. Compare the three scales by Pearson correlation analysis with SPSS17.0 software, and data are shown in Mean±SE. Results: ①Three freshmen were checked out with psychological defects with 16pf scale, and eighteen with MMPI scale, and eight with SCL-90 scale.②There is significant correlation between MMPI and SCL-90 scale, (r<0.42 and P<0.05) in our research, so MMPI may replace SCL-90. ③Some factors in 16pf are significantly correlated with certain parts of MMPI clinical scales and can be added to them. Conclusion: When established psychological files of the 98 military collage freshmen, and by statistical analysis, we suggest 16pf to be a prior screening test and MMPI to be a valuable recheck test.
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