刘中洋 袁园 刘静莉 金发光.高渗透压环境下OREBP 调控机制的研究进展[J].,2012,12(14):2769-2772
高渗透压环境下OREBP 调控机制的研究进展
Regulation Mechanisms of OREBP in Response to Hypertonicity
中文关键词: 渗透压反应元件结合蛋白  渗透压  调控
英文关键词: Osmotic response element binding protein  Osmotic pressure  Regulation
刘中洋 袁园 刘静莉 金发光 第四军医大学唐都医院呼吸内科
摘要点击次数: 901
全文下载次数: 814
      渗透压反应元件结合蛋白(OREBP)是Rel 家族的最新成员,是迄今为止唯一已知的哺乳动物细胞渗透压反应调节因子。它 最初是作为一种促进渗透压保护基因表达的蛋白在肾髓质细胞中被发现的。最近研究表明,它在胚胎发育、炎症反应、肌生成、 HIV 复制以及肿瘤细胞的增殖转移等过程中也发挥了十分重要的作用。然而有关高渗环境下OREBP 调控机制的认识还很不完 整。许多因素参与了OREBP 的调控,这些因素都是高渗环境下激活OREBP 所必需的,但又都不能独立完成对OREBP 的调控。 本文对上述因素在高渗环境下OREBP 调控中的作用以及它们之间的相互关系进行了综述。
      Osmotic response element binding protein (OREBP) which serves as a master regulator for cellular osmoregulation is the newest member of the Rel family of transcription factor. It is hitherto the only known osmo-sensitive transcrtiption factor that mediates mammalian cellular adaptations to extracellular hypertonic stress. OREBP was initially described to drive osmoprotective gene expression in renal medullary cells. Recent studies indicate that it also has profound importance in a number of other processes such as embryogenesis, cancer invasion, inflammation, HIV replication and myogenesis. However, the knowledge of regulation mechanism of OREBP is still incomplete. Dozens of regulators contribute to the regulation of OREBP. Each is necessary for full hypertonic activation of OREBP, but no one of them, alone, is sufficient. In this review, we try to analyze the role of each regulator and their interactions in the regulation of OREBP in response to hypertonicity.
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