王飞1 孙喜太2△.异位胰腺的诊治研究进展[J].,2012,12(15):2998-3000
Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment on Heterotopic Pancreas
中文关键词: 异位胰腺  诊断  治疗
英文关键词: Heterotopic pancreas  Diagnosis  Treatment
王飞1 孙喜太2△ 东南大学医学院 
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      异位胰腺是指在正常胰腺解剖位置以外的胰腺组织,产生机制尚不明确,多认为是在胚胎发育过程中的异常造成的。其常 在外科手术或内镜检查时发现,多为单发。临床常无症状或非特异性症状包括腹痛、腹胀等,在小儿可表现为肠套叠和上消化道 梗阻。近年来超声内镜的广泛应用为异位胰腺的术前诊断提供了新的、更加准确的方式。目前多认为无症状的患者可以随访;有 症状、诊断不明的患者中,可以选择内镜下粘膜切除,腔镜下手术切除或开放手术切除。本文就相关研究进展进行综述。
      Heterotopic pancreas is defined as pancreatic tissue lying outside the nomal anatomical location, the organogenesis is not clear, most believed it was caused in the abnormal process of embryonic development. It is often found incidentally in operative procedures, or identified endoscopically, which is mostly single. Majority patients were asymptomatic or non-specific symptoms, such as: abdominal pain, abdominal distension, et al. The most common symptoms in children were upper digestive tract obstruction or intussusception. In recent years, widespread use of ultrasonography endoscopic provided a new way in preoperative diagnosis of ectopic pancreas, which was more accurate and easier access. At present, many researchers believed that asymptomatic patients could be followed up; they had symptoms or with unsure diagnosis, could choose endoscopic mucosal resection, endoscopic resection or open surgery. This article reviewed the recent literature.
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