李娅1 徐孝娜2 王文岚1 谢小萍1 李金声1 海春旭3 王枫2 任杰1.高压氧预处理对减压病大鼠肺组织的影响[J].,2012,12(16):3004-3007
Hyperbaric Oxygen Pretreatment on Rat Lung Tissue in DecompressionSickness
中文关键词: 减压病  肺组织  高压氧
英文关键词: Decompression sickness  Lung tissue  Hyperbaric oxygen
李娅1 徐孝娜2 王文岚1 谢小萍1 李金声1 海春旭3 王枫2 任杰1 第四军医大学航空航天医学院卫生与卫生勤务学教研室 
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      目的:研究高压氧预处理对减压病大鼠肺组织的影响及其意义。方法:SD 大鼠30 只,随机分为正常对照(CN)组,高压氧预 处理(HBO)组,减压(DCS)组,减压组采用20min 匀速升压至7.0ATA,停留20min 使大鼠充分换气,2min 内快速减压常压方案。 减压24h 后观察肺组织中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)、丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的变化;并通过HE 染色观察肺组 织病理学变化。结果:减压组肺泡腔不够完整,肺泡破裂融合,肺泡壁增厚,有中度炎性细胞浸润,高压氧组与减压组相比,病理改 变明显减轻;与对照组相比,单纯减压使大鼠肺组织GPx、MDA 升高,SOD 降低,高压氧预处理组GPx、MDA 降低,SOD 降低升 高;高压氧组与减压组相比GPx、MDA 下降,SOD 升高(P<0.05)。结论:高压氧预处理对减压病大鼠肺组织具有一定的保护作 用。
      Objective: To investigate the effect of hyperbaric oxygen pretreatment on decompression sickness in rat lungs. Methods: SD rats were randomly divided into normal control (CN) group, hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning (HBO) group, decompression (DCS) group, decompression group by using 20min uniform boost to 7.0ATA, stay 20min in rats full ventilation, rapid decompression to atmospheric pressure program within 2min. Lung tissue glutathione peroxidase (GPx), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) changes were detected after decompression 24h; Pulmonary histopathological changes was detecte by HE staining. Results: The alveolar cavity of the decompression is incomplete alveoli rupture integration, alveolar wall thickening, moderate inflammatory cell infiltration, the hyperbaric oxygen group significantly reduced pathological changes compared with that in the decompression group; Compared with that in the control group, simple decompression GPx, rat lung tissue of MDA increased, SOD decreased, GPx, of hyperbaric oxygen pretreatment group of MDA to reduce of SOD to reduce elevated; Hyperbaric oxygen group and the decompression group compared with GPx, MDA decreased, SOD increased (P<0.05). Conclusion: Hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning has a protective effect of decompression sickness in rat lungs.
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