TheAnalysis ofPostgraduateAcademic forum in BinzhouMedicalUniversity
中文关键词: 研究生学术论坛  创新教育  效果评价  调查研究
英文关键词: Postgraduate academic forum  Innovational education  Effective evaluation  Investigation
张璐萍阚氏海刘洪付周帅赵冬梅冯国营黄飞 滨州医学院 
摘要点击次数: 850
全文下载次数: 1012
      随着科学技术的发展,研究生教育在教学工作中的地位日渐突出。为了提高研究生培养质量,充分发挥研究生主观能动性, 达到促进交流、活跃学术、培养研究生创新能力的目的,开展丰富多彩的研究生学术论坛活动势在必行。本研究通过问卷调查的 方式对我校研究生学术论坛开展现状进行了分析,从结果可以看出大部分研究生对待研究生论坛的态度是积极的,同时,大多数 研究生对研究生论坛的期望值是很高的,但是,仍有少部分研究生对待研究生论坛存在消极态度,我们应该清醒的认识到目前研 究生论坛存在的不足,及时调整研究生学术论坛活动内容和形式,充分调动每一位研究生的积极性和创造性。
      With the development of the science and technology, the status of postgraduate education is gradually outstanding in teaching. In order to improve the quality of postgraduate cultivation and give full play to graduate student subjective initiative. And to promote academic exchange, invigorating academic ideas, and training postgraduate's ability of innovation, it is an imperative trend to carry out a variety of postgraduate academic forum activities. This study gives an analysis of postgraduate academic forum activities status quo in our university through the questionnaire survey. The result suggests that the most postgraduate students have positive attitude toward to the postgraduate academic forum activities and most of them have high expectations of them, but there is still a small number of postgraduates have negative attitude toward to them. We should clearly recognize the inadequacy of the postgraduate forum at present, adjust the content and form of postgraduate academic forum activities in time, and fully mobilize every postgraduate initiative and creativity.
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