蔡新国曾祥平王杏娥陈勇军.我院专项治理前后抗菌药物使用情况分析[J].,2012,12(16):3154-3158 |
我院专项治理前后抗菌药物使用情况分析 |
Analysis on the Use of Antimicrobials before and after Special Administration |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 抗菌药物 合理用药 专项治理 I 类切口 |
英文关键词: Antibacterials Rational drug use Special Administration Type I incision |
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摘要点击次数: 847 |
全文下载次数: 969 |
中文摘要: |
年1 至2011 年12 月病例1680 份,抽取甲状腺/ 乳腺/ 疝气/ 闭合性骨折I 类切口手术病历100 份,分析治理前后抗菌药物使用
率、使用强度、病原送检率、DDDs、DUI 及I 类切口抗菌药物应用情况。结果:治理前住院患者抗菌药物使用率、使用强度分别为
68.50%、49.8DDD;治理后分别为56.2%、37.8DDD,显著降低(P<0.05)。治理前有四种抗菌药物DUI>1,依次为头孢哌酮/ 舒巴
坦钠>头孢噻吩钠= 头孢唑啉>头孢呋辛;治理后有两种抗菌药物DUI>1,依次为磺苄西林>头孢哌酮/ 舒巴坦钠;治理后I 类
况基本达到《抗菌药物临床应用专项工作方案》要求。但在某些方面,如I 类切口使用率、疗程、用药选择上需要持续改进,应加强
对I 类切口的监管力度,以确保用药的经济、有效、合理。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective: To analyze the use of antibiotics in the patients of Tianmen First People's Hospital before and after Special
Administration of rational use of antimirobial agents in order to promote clinical rational drug use. Methods: A total of 1680 medical
records and 100 records of type I incision operation (thyroid/mammary gland/hernia/closed fractures) were randomly selected from
January 2010 to December 2011. Statistically analyze the antibiotic use rate, total antibiotic use density, rate of etiological examination,
DDDs, and DUI before and after Special Administration. And the antibiotic use of type I incision operation were evaluated. Results: The
use rate of antibiotics was 68.5% in inpatients, and total antibiotic use density was calculated as 49.8 DDD/100 patient days before
Special Administration, and respectively 56.2% and 49.8DDD after, showing obvious drop (P<0.05). Before Special Administration, the
DUI of 4 kinds of antibacterials were slightly greater than 1.0, which were in the following order: cefoperazone/sulbactam>cefalotin=
cephazolin>cefuroxime. After Special Administration, the DUI of 2 kinds were slightly greater than 1.0, which were sulbenicillin>
cefoperazone/sulbactam. The use rate of antibiotics for patients of type I incision operation were also reduced, and tha accordance rate of
treating courses and drug rational user rate were increased (P<0.05). Conclusion: The use of antibiotics in our hospital basically met the
requirement of Special Work Plan for Clinical Antibiotics Use, but more efforts should be made to make a progress, for example, to be
more careful in choosing Type I incision operation, course of treatment and cure with medicine, to enhance monitoring the use of
antibiotics in Type I incision operation. Only in these ways could clinical rational drug use be economically and effectively enhanced. |
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