黄萍1 屈玲2 顾娟玲1 安银东1 杨聚才1.超声波清洗杀灭微生物效果的实验研究[J].,2012,12(19):3645-3647
Experimental Study on Germicidal Efficacy of Ultrasound
中文关键词: 超声波  大肠埃希菌  白色假丝酵母菌  乙肝表面抗原  扫描电镜
英文关键词: Ultrasound  Escherichia coli  Candida albicans  HBsAg  Scanning electron microscopy
黄萍1 屈玲2 顾娟玲1 安银东1 杨聚才1 第四军医大学口腔医院检验科 
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      目的:观察超声波清洗在相等条件及不同的时间对微生物杀灭作用的影响。方法:采用悬液法在相同时间内分别对大肠埃希 菌;白色假丝酵母菌及HBsAg 阳性血清进行了杀灭效果测试。结果:超声波清洗1min-15min 对大肠埃希菌杀灭率分别为18.2% -94.2%;对白色假丝酵母菌为1.4%-49.7%。而超声波清洗1min-15min 对HBsAg 阳性血清的抗原性无完全破坏性作用。结论:单 一超声波清洗杀灭微生物的效果是随时间的延长杀灭微生物的效果越好。扫描电镜显示,随着超声时间的延长,细菌的细胞壁破 坏越严重。而对HBsAg 阳性抗原在短时间内不能被完全破坏。
      Objective: Ultrasound is an efficiency auxiliary sterilization method,which has been used for sterilization on surgery. To observe the effect of ultrasound cleaning at different time of killing microorganisms. Methods: Efficacy of the suspension method at the same time in killing E. coli, Candida albicans and HBsAg positive serum separately were tested. Results: The killing rate by ultrasonic cleaning from 1 min-15 min of the Escherichia coli is 18.2%-94.2%; that of the Candida albicans is 1.4%-49.7%. But for the HBsAg, there were no tangible effects. Conclusion: The single ultrasonic pasteurization effect of killing microorganisms get better with the lengthening of time. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the bacterial cell wall was more serious damaged by the ultrasonic was extended. The HBsAg positive serum can not be destroyed in a short time.
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