卢战军1 郑海明2 肖军华2 郑萍1△.行胶囊内镜检查67 例患者临床结果分析[J].,2012,12(19):3648-3650
行胶囊内镜检查67 例患者临床结果分析
Analysis of Clinical Results from 67 Patients Underwent Capsule Endoscopy
中文关键词: 胶囊内镜  双气囊小肠镜  克罗恩病
英文关键词: Capsule endoscopy  Double-balloon enterocopy  Crohn's disease
卢战军1 郑海明2 肖军华2 郑萍1△ 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院消化科 
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      目的:评价胶囊内镜在小肠疾病中的诊断价值,总结胶囊内镜临床应用策略。方法:回顾性分析上海市第一人民医院胃肠镜 室2009 年7 月-2011 年4 月67 例行胶囊内镜检查患者的检查结果,结合其中32 名患者双气囊小肠镜检查结果及手术病理,分 析胶囊内镜在小肠疾病的检出率,诊断率和不良事件发生率,总结胶囊内镜检查时的注意事项。结果:1 例胶囊内镜操作失败,66 例受检者检出率80.3%,诊断率为66.7%,发现病变中血管病变为主要诊断,占62.1%,其次为肠道占位(息肉、肿瘤)为14.6%,克 罗恩病占10.9%,所有患者均未出现严重不良事件。结论:胶囊内镜在小肠疾病检查中安全,无创,诊断率较高,临床胶囊内镜检查 时建议充分肠道准备,实时监控及结合双气囊小肠镜检查。
      Objective: To evaluate the value of capsule endoscopy in diagnosis of small bowel diseases and discuss the most appropriate strategy in its clinical practice. Methods: Data from 67 patients underwent capsule endoscopy from July 2009 to April 2011 in our Department of Gastroenterology were reviewed retrospectively, and then compared with results of 32 patients underwent double-balloon enteroscopy and pathology, to survey the detection rate, diagnostic rate of CE,summarize the lessons for its clinical practice. Results: One case fail,results of 66 cases underwent CE successfully and the detection rate and diagnostic rate of CE respectively was 80.3% and 66.7% respectively, The most common findings included angiodysplasia (62.1%), neoplasia (14.6%) and Crohn's disease (10.9%); No serious complication happened in this procedure. Conclusion: Capsule endoscopy is a safe and effective in diagnosis for patients. And maybe accuracy will be a greatly improved in diagnosis of intestinal diseases, if procedure was effectively combined with double-balloon enteroscopy, real time monitoring,and sufficiently small bowel preparation.
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