李真1 杨丽2 徐菲莉2△ 刘琴2 沙蕾2 赵莉2.新疆维吾尔族与汉族乙型肝炎患者HBVDNA 及肝功能检测结果的比较[J].,2012,12(19):3673-3677
新疆维吾尔族与汉族乙型肝炎患者HBVDNA 及肝功能检测结果的比较
Xinjiang Uygur, Han patients with Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Markers and LiverFunction Test Results Contrast
中文关键词: HBeAg 阳性乙型肝炎患者  民族  HBV DNA  丙氨酸氨基转移酶
英文关键词: Chronic hepatitis B  HBeAg positive  HBV-DNA Transaminase
李真1 杨丽2 徐菲莉2△ 刘琴2 沙蕾2 赵莉2 新疆医科大学 
摘要点击次数: 969
全文下载次数: 1085
      目的:探讨新疆乌鲁木齐地区伴有肝功能指标:丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)浓度异常的维吾尔族(维族)及汉族HBeAg 阳性 乙型肝炎初次就诊患者,乙型肝炎病毒DNA 复制载量及ALT 浓度是否存在差异及其对患者诊断、预后的意义。方法:回顾性选 取门诊伴有ALT 浓度异常的汉族、维族初次就诊患者并筛选出HBeAg 阳性患者汉族、维族共373 例。采用实时荧光定量聚合酶 链反应、生化测定及酶联免疫吸附试验法分别测定HBV DNA、ALT 浓度及乙肝HBeAg。结果:(1)汉族HBV DNA 组秩和8869, 维族HBV DNA 组秩和10359.36,经Mann-Whitney Test 检验两组间尚不能肯定HBVDNA 分布有统计学意义,即伴有肝功能损 害的汉族、维族初次就诊HBeAg 阳性患者HBV DNA 复制程度没有差异。(2) 汉族ALT 组秩和26818.50,维族ALT 组秩和 22009.50,经Mann-Whitney Test 检验两组间ALT 分布有统计学意义,即伴有肝功能损害的初次就诊HBeAg 阳性患者汉族肝功 能损害程度高于维族。(3)HBVDNA 低复制组(103-104 copy/mL):汉族秩和3771.46,维族秩和4993.2;中复制组(104-106 copy/mL):汉族秩和6412.4,维族秩和5088.2;高复制组(>106copy/mL):汉族秩和929.04,维族秩和666.96,经Mann-Whitney Test 检验在低复制组两民族间ALT 分布无统计学意义,在中、高复制组两民族间ALT 具有统计学意义。即:伴有肝功能损害的初次就 诊HBeAg 阳性患者在HBV DNA 低复制组两民族间肝功能损害程度无差异,但在中、高复制组汉族肝功能损害程度高于维族。 结论:新疆乌鲁木齐地区伴有肝功能损害的初次就诊的HBeAg 阳性的汉族与维族之间HBV DNA 的病毒复制无统计学意义 (P>0.05),但两民族间的ALT 具有统计学意义,可能跟维族的民俗、饮食习惯及生存环境、免疫相关基因HLA 基因频率分布差异 等因素有关。
      Objective: To explore the Xinjiang area of Urumqi accompanied by abnormal liver function of Uygur and Han ( Uyghur ) in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B patients with first visit, serological markers of hepatitis HBV DNA replication load copy number and alanine aminotransferase ( ALT ) levels and on whether there are differences in diagnostic, prognostic significance in patients with. Methods: A retrospective review of selected outpatients with liver function damage in patients with initial treatment of Han, Uygur and selection of HBeAg positive patients of Han nationality, a total of 373 cases of uighur. Using real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction ( FQ-PCR ) HBV DNA, chemiluminescence ( CLIA ) ALT levels and enzymatic e antigen qualitative determination of serum HBV in patients with DNA, CHB, ALT levels and two pairs of semi-hepatitis B. Results: (1) HBV DNA group rank: Han and Uighur group DNA 8869vs HBV rank: 10359.36, by Mann-Whitney Test tests between the two groups is still not sure HBV DNA distribution differences, is accompanied with liver function damage of the Han, Uygur initial treatment of patients with positive HBeAg HBV DNA replication levels did not differ. (2) Han HBV DNA group rank: 26818.50, Uygur HBV DNA group rank: 22009.50, by Mann-Whitney Test test ALT distribution between the two groups with significant difference, is accompanied with liver function damage in the initial treatment of HBeAg positive patients with liver function damage degree is higher than Han uygur. (3) HBV DNA low load group: Han and Uighur rank 4993.2 and rank 3771.46vs, load group: Han and Uighur rank 5088.2 and rank 6412.4vs, high load group: Han and Uighur rank rank 929.04vs and 666.96 by Mann-Whitney Test. Test at low load group of two national ALT no significant difference in the distribution of high load group of two people there was significant difference between ALT. Namely: accompanied with liver function damage of initial treatment of HBeAg positive patients in HBV DNA low load group two nation between degree of liver dysfunction and no difference, but in HBV DNA, high load group Han degree of liver function impairment thanuyghur. Conclusion: Xinjiang Urumqi area accompanied with liver function damage of Han, Uygur ethnic initial treatment of HBeAg positive patients with hepatitis B HBV DNA copy number is still not sure there was statistically significant difference (P > 0.05 ), AST exists significant statistical differences between races, the tips of two hepatitis B virus related liver damage of immunological mechanism and immune related gene differences may exist.
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