苏坚贞1 王琛夏2 沈蕾3 田为莉3 姚雨齐3.家长因素对幼儿参与健身类课程的影响[J].,2012,12(20):3957-3961
Patriarchal Impact Preschool Students of Shanghai to Take Partin the Sports Courses
中文关键词: 学龄前儿童  健身类课程  市场需求
英文关键词: 学龄前儿童  健身类课程  市场需求
苏坚贞1 王琛夏2 沈蕾3 田为莉3 姚雨齐3 华东师范大学体育与健康学院 
摘要点击次数: 721
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      以上海市28 所幼儿园的204 名幼儿为研究对象,从家长的视角探寻影响幼儿参与健身类课程的因素,运用文献资料法、问 卷调查法和数理统计等方法对影响幼儿参与健身类课程的家长因素进行研究,寻求促进幼儿参与健身类课程的方法与措施,为 帮助更多的幼儿运动起来,不再依赖电脑、电视和电子游戏等,从而为促使幼儿更加健康的发展奠定一定的理论基础。结果表明: (1)父母的健身经历及父亲受教育的程度能较显著地影响幼儿喜欢运动的程度。(2)父母对幼儿参与运动的消极观念会严重地影 响幼儿参与运动的积极性。(3)母亲参与健身的经历对幼儿参加健身类课程的意向具有较显著性的影响,有健身经历的母亲越会 让幼儿参与健身类课程。(4)父母受教育的程度对幼儿参加健身类课程的意向具有较显著的影响,父母的学历越高,幼儿参加健 身类课程的意向越明显。
      With the methods of documentary data, questionnaire and mathematical statistics, researches on 204 children from 28 different kindergarten, try to find out the factor of Patriarchal impact preschool students of shanghai to take part in the sports courses. The purposes are trying to help more children to do more exercises, instead of relying computers, television and electric games and so on, and also have the intend to help promote sports course. The results show that: (1) The experiences of parents in sports courses and the background of fathers educated obviously infect children on the extent of love sports. (2) Parents negative notion of children's sports courses can severity impact the children's positivity of attending sports. (3) The experiences of mother attending sports courses obviously impact on the intent of children attending sports courses. (4) The degrees of parents are higher and the intents of children attending sports courses are more intense.
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