Research in the High Oil Content Oilseed Rape Gene Engineering
中文关键词: 油菜  含油量  三酰甘油  基因工程
英文关键词: Rapeseed  Oil content  Triacylglycerol  Gene engineering
基金项目:国家863 课题(2008AA10Z152);湖南省科技厅课题(2007RS4014,BK0553)
吴尚虹胡家金施春霖刘聪官春云熊兴华△ 湖南农业大学生物科学技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 880
全文下载次数: 1195
      油菜是世界上重要油料作物之一,是世界食用植物油的重要来源。近十年来,随着其种植面积的不断扩大,目前已成为世界 第二大植物油来源,因此提高油菜种子含油量具有重大的经济利用价值。近年来,基因工程技术的飞速发展带来了优化油菜品种 资源的新方法。三酰甘油对种子油脂的形成十分重要,它是油菜种子最主要的储藏脂类。将三酰甘油合成代谢途径中的关键酶基 因及一些转录因子转入到油菜组基因中,一方面增加种子中关键酶基因的表达;另一方面增加转录因子表达以增强糖酵解和三 酰甘油形成的相关基因表达,增加底物浓度和三酰甘油合成的速度,期待获得高含油量的转基因油菜。本文综述了国内外关于油 菜油酯代谢关键酶基因及调控基因的研究进展,并展望了未来提高油菜含油量的发展思路。
      Rape is one of the most important oil crops in the world and it's also a major source of edible vegetable oil for human. In the recent decades, with the cultivated area increased, rape has become the secondary biggest source of vegetable oil. So the high oil content rapeseed has the significant economic value. In the past years, the rapid development of technique for genetic engineering has produced new methods of optimizing rapeseed resources. TAG is so significant to the formation of seed oil. It is the uppermost storage in rapeseed. The purpose is to enhance the oil content of rapeseed through expressing key enzyme in TAG metabolism and overexpressing controlling gene so as to increase the substrate concentration and improve lipid biosynthesis rates. This paper reviewed the research progress on lipid metabolism key enzyme genes and controlling gene, and the future development of improving oil content in rapeseed was given.
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