郑博张林△ 邓谨杨文马强张婷.不同缝合方式对大鼠角膜穿通伤后内皮细胞影响的研究[J].,2012,12(21):4027-4030
The Rat Cornea after Penetrating Injury of Different Suture on CornealEndothelium Injury Research
中文关键词: 台盼蓝  茜素红  角膜  内皮细胞
英文关键词: Trypan blue  Alizarin red  Cornea  Endothelial cells
郑博张林△ 邓谨杨文马强张婷 西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 657
全文下载次数: 1041
      目的:通过手术缝合治疗大鼠角膜穿通伤,探索全层缝合、深板层缝合、及不缝合对角膜内皮细胞的影响。方法:建立大鼠角 膜穿通伤模型,同一手术者对角膜切口进行全层、深板层、及不缝合操作。在裂隙灯下动态观察角膜创伤愈合情况;对不同时间点 愈合角膜行内皮细胞台盼蓝- 茜素红联合活细胞染色及HE 染色,观察内皮细胞损伤、修复及白细胞浸润情况。结果:无论是全层 缝合还是板层缝合以及不缝合组角膜内皮细胞均损伤明显。但从第1 天观察至1 月,三组损伤区面积大小无明显差别。结论:全 层和深板层缝合及未缝合组可直接造成角膜内皮细胞受损,继发性炎症反应损伤后角膜内皮细胞的损害;伤口周围1.5 mm 处角 膜内皮几乎损失殆尽,内皮细胞受损可使角膜损伤区水肿迁延不愈,最终形成瘢痕愈合,所以角膜内皮损伤及最终愈合程度三组 间无明显差异。
      Objective: To investigate the effect of the different suture patterns after rat corneal endothelium injury by the operation of suture in the treatment of rat corneal penetrating injury. Methods: The rat corneal penetrating injury model was built by the same surgical, and suture was divided into: full-thickness, 90% thickness and non- suture, and the model was observed the corneal wound healing in the slit lamp. Corneal endothelium cells were stained at different time points by trypan blue and alizarin red and HE. And then we observed the endothelial cell damage, repair, and leukocyte infiltration. Results: Corneal endothelium injury was obvious in the different suture patterns. However, the size of the damage area was no significant difference in three groups from one day to 30 days. Conclusions: The three groups make the corneal endothelial cell damage, and the corneal endothelium is almost wiped out around the wound 1.5mm. Endothelial cell injury makes corneal injury delayed healing. Finally, the scar was formed. Corneal endothelial damage and healing between the three groups had no significant difference.
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