李楠王雪峰△ 张亮胡晓丽马贤德.出生后炎症大鼠脑性瘫痪模型神经生长发育测试及脑组织 CNP、MBP 的表达[J].,2012,12(21):4036-4041
出生后炎症大鼠脑性瘫痪模型神经生长发育测试及脑组织 CNP、MBP 的表达
The Research on Expression of CNP and MBP in Brain Damage of PostnatalRats which were Treated by LPS and Nerve Growth Test
中文关键词: 脑性瘫痪  脑室周围白质软化  脂多糖  神经生长发育测试
英文关键词: Cerebralpalsy  Periventricularleukomalacia  Lipopolysaccharide  Neonatal behavioral tests
李楠王雪峰△ 张亮胡晓丽马贤德 辽宁中医药大学附属医院儿科 
摘要点击次数: 883
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      目的:通过制备出生后脑性瘫痪鼠模型并对鼠脑损伤进行评估,观察与人类孕期损伤导致婴儿脑组织前少突胶质细胞之间 的关联。方法:新生乳鼠在出生后第3、4、5、6、7 天,每天腹腔注射脂多糖(LPS)(n=12,30,30,60,60,120μg/kg)或生理盐水(n=11)。 新生乳鼠从生后第1 天至第21 天每天接受机能和认知发育测试。出生后第22 天对乳鼠脑组织进行免疫组织化学检测,通过对 前少突胶质细胞标志物(CNP)及髓鞘标志物(MBP)的检测评估鼠脑白质损伤。神经发育测试数据采用重复测量方差分析方法, 免疫组织化学实验数据采用方差分析方法。结果:对新生乳鼠进行神经生长发育测试后发现,LPS 处理组乳鼠在平面翻正测试、悬 崖回避测试、前肢抓握测试及睁眼时间测试(P<0.05),活动力测试(P<0.01),其他几项比较无差异(P>0.05),悬吊实验(P>0.05),旷 野实验(P<0.05)。前少突胶质细胞标志物CNP 在LPS 处理乳鼠组中是增多的(P<0.01),髓鞘碱性蛋白(MBP)在LPS 处理乳鼠组 中是减少的(P<0.01)。结论:对新生乳鼠腹腔注射脂多糖可以引起鼠脑白质损伤,但是并不能出现与缺血缺氧模型一致的脑性瘫 痪表型。
      Objective: Through the preparation of cerebral palsy rat model to evaluate damage of mouse brains, Observe postnatal CP model to evaluate injury that would correlate with presence of Pre-OL in human pregnancy. Methods: On postnatal (P) days2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, pups were treated with (lipopolysaccharide [LPS]) (n=12; 30, 30, 60, 60, 120 ug/kg) orsaline (n=11). Neonates were tested for motor and cognitive development. White matter damage was assessed with immunohistochemical Pre-OL markers (CNP, MBP). Statistical analysis included repeated measurements analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used where appropriate. Results: LPS-treated animals performed surface righting, cliff aversion, forelimb grasp and eye opening (P <0.05) and activity (P<0.01) and open field experiment (P<0.05). No differences were observed for other neonatal tests. Pre-OL markers were altered in LPS-treated animals at both P22 (CNP increased in LPS and MBP decreased in LPS, P<0.01). Conclusion: Neonatal exposure to LPS induce white matter damage in the brain, but these are similar to findings from a postnatal hypoxic model suggesting that in the rodent, targeting the Pre-OL does not result in a CP phenotype.
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