吴凯平邓淑云周平雷蕾宋芹.老年人动态心电图心律失常特点及对阵发性 房颤的诊断[J].,2012,12(21):4105-4107
老年人动态心电图心律失常特点及对阵发性 房颤的诊断
HOLTER Monitoring and Analysis of Arrhythmic Feature andDiagnostic Value of Paroxymal Atrial Fibrillation of People Aged Over 65
中文关键词: 动态心电图  老年人  心律失常  阵发性房颤
英文关键词: Dynamic electrocardiogram  Aged people  Arrhythmia  PAF
吴凯平邓淑云周平雷蕾宋芹 贵州省黔东南州人民医院心电图室 
摘要点击次数: 769
全文下载次数: 1231
      目的:分析65 岁以上老年人十二导联动态心电图(12-Holter)心律失常的特点及其对阵发性房颤的诊断价值。方法:①采用 回顾性分析的方法,随机选择500 例65 岁以上老年人的动态心电图进行心律失常情况的统计分析,并同时选择500 例小于65 岁的心电图作为对照;②另选择500 例65 岁以上老年人的十二导联普通心电图(ECG)作为对照,对比分析12-Holter 与ECG 两 种方法对老年人阵发性房颤的检出率。结果:① 65 岁以上老年人动态心电图各种心律失常、ST-T 改变的发生率高。而在各类心律 失常中房性早搏、室性期前收缩、房性心动过速、房颤发生率较高。② 动态心电图对于阵发性房颤的检出率显著高于普通十二导 联心电图。结论:①老年人动态心电图检查结果异常率高;②与普通心电图比较,动态心电图诊断老年人阵发性房颤有较高的价 值。
      Objective: To explore 12-leads HOLTER monitoring and analysis arrhythmic feature and diagnostic value of Paroxymal Atrial fibrillation of aged people more than 65 years. Methods:① Use retrospective analysis method, selected 500 cases the age over 65 years people randomly, the dynamic ECG of arrhythmia were analysised, and also select 500 cases less than 65 years of age as control. ②Randomly selected 500 cases over 65 years old people's normal twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) as control, analysis the detection rate of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and compared with the 12-Holter ECG. Results: ① Holter monitoring over 65 years old, the incidence of various arrhythmias, reduced heart rate variability, ST-T changes is higher. Various types of arrhythmia, the incidence of atrial premature beats, ventricular contraction, atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation are higher.② The detection rate for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, Holter monitoring was significantly higher than normal 12-lead ECG. Conclusions: ①High rate abnormalities were detected in Holter monitoring of aged people. ②Compared with normal ECG, Holter diagnosis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the elderly have a higher value.
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