邱少敏彭鹏△ 宋玉华徐月娟.肝癌患者血清趋化因子配体18 的检测及其意义[J].,2012,12(22):4275-4276
肝癌患者血清趋化因子配体18 的检测及其意义
Role of Chemokine CC-motif Ligand 18(CCL18)in Liver Cancer Metastasia
中文关键词: 趋化因子配体18(CLL18)  肝癌  转移
英文关键词: CCL18  Liver cancer  Metastasis
邱少敏彭鹏△ 宋玉华徐月娟 东南大学附属南京市第二医院肿瘤科 
摘要点击次数: 631
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      目的:为研究趋化因子配体18(CLL18)在肝癌患者外周血中的表达,探讨其在肝癌癌浸润、转移中的作用。方法:选取 2008.1-2010.12 年我科的原发性肝癌患者,均经病理或临床确诊,年龄18~70 岁,如曾实施化疗,须化疗结束1 个月以上而有实 体瘤者或手术未能切除者。有转移组50 例,其中男性25 例,女性25 例。无转移组50 例,其中男性25 例,女性25 例。对照组50 例,为正常健康人群50 例,其中男性25 例,女性25 例。以ELISA 法检测外周血CCL18 含量。结果:有转移组患者外周血中 CCL18 浓度为(137. 63±35. 56) pg/mL显著高于健康人(47.53±17.22)pg/mL(P<0.05)。无转移组患者外周血中CCL18 浓度为(260. 27±73.41) pg/mL 显著高于健康人(P<0.05)。结论:肝癌患者血浆中的CCL18 水平显著高于正常人,并能反映肝癌的进展,有助于 对肝癌患者进行预后判断,具有一定的临床价值。
      Objective: To investigate the possible role of CCL18 in migration and metastasis of liver cancer by studying it's expression in serum. Methods: The levels of serum CCL18 in 100 patients with liver cancer and 50 control groups were analyzed by ELISA method. Results: Showed that the levels of serum CCL18 in 100 patients with liver cancer (with metastatic: 137. 63±35. 56 pg/mL, without metastatic: 260.27±73.41 pg/mL) were significantly increased. Compared with control groups (P<0.05). Conclusions: It is deduced that CLL18 over-expression might play an important role in the invasion of liver cancer.
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