陈朋1,2 李红玉1△.传统中国医药与现代系统生物学研究理论的殊途同归[J].,2012,12(23):4592-4596
Classical Chinese Traditional Medicine & Drugs and Current SystemsBiology are Research Toward the Same Goal by Different Means
中文关键词: 系统生物学  中医  中药  还原论  一般系统论
英文关键词: Systems biology  Traditional Chinese medicine  Traditional Chinese drugs  Reductionism  General system theory
基金项目:甘肃省科技支撑项目(0804NKCA114);甘肃省技术研究与开发项目(0912TCYA025, 1004TCYA041); 甘肃省酶制剂生产技术和应用研究创新团队(098TTCA013)
陈朋1,2 李红玉1△ 兰州大学生命科学学院微生物研究所 
摘要点击次数: 733
全文下载次数: 1568
      系统生物学是研究一个生物系统中所有组成成分(基因、mRNA、蛋白质等)的构成与组分之间相互关系的学科,近年来,系 统生物学作为后基因组学时代研究的一个重要内容,已广泛深入到生命科学和医药学的各个领域。而作为中国传统医学而言,似 乎与之相去甚远,然而当我们对这两个新老学科基础理论进行比较时,我们发现:传统中国医药与现代系统生物学研究理论的殊 途同归。有鉴于此,本文论述了系统生物学和中医学的思想起源、相互联系,基于系统生物学的发展、研究思路和方法,阐述了生 物学由还原论的研究方法过渡到系统论的研究方法,强调对生命现象从系统和整体的层次进行研究和把握,对传统中医学研究 方法的变革起到了推动作用,最后对系统生物学在中医药学未来发展进行了评价。
      Systems biology is the study of systems of biological components, which may be molecules, cells, organisms or entire species. Living systems are dynamic and complex, and their behavior may be hard to predict from the properties of individual parts. In recent years, systems biology as a new frontier developed recently in life science,has become one of the landmarks for the post genome era and widely spreadly implanted into every field of life science and medicine. Classical Chinese traditional medicine & drugs considered as very old age by comparison with systems biology, although we found that classical Chinese traditional medicine & drugs and current systems biology are research toward the same goal by different means. In the light of this, this review deals with origin and relationship of systems biology and traditional Chinese medicine. The systems biology -based's from aspects of its development including thought and methods. The research methods are also undergoing a change from detailed breakdown analysis to systematic integrated analysis from analysis theory to system theory. The developments of systems biology in the future are appraised in the end. Systems Biology stresses the research in the level of system and organic whole and promotes to innovate the researching method of traditional Chinese medicine.
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