龙云杨泽娟黄小庆郭宇明严文兵招活.单纯稳恒强磁铁块外贴治疗附睾炎症性结节280 例的临床研究[J].,2012,12(24):4651-4653
单纯稳恒强磁铁块外贴治疗附睾炎症性结节280 例的临床研究
The Clinical Study of 280 Cases with the Constant-strength MagneticBlock in the Treatment of Epididymitis in Enlarged Nodules, Cysts
中文关键词: 稳恒强磁  附睾  炎症性结节
英文关键词: Constant-strength magnetic  Epididymal  Inflammatory nodules
龙云杨泽娟黄小庆郭宇明严文兵招活 广州市中医医院 
摘要点击次数: 914
全文下载次数: 1077
      目的:观察稳恒强磁外贴治疗附睾慢性炎症性结节、囊肿的效果,寻找非药物治疗附睾慢性炎症性结节、囊肿的方法。方法: 园形强磁铁2 块(直径2cm 厚0.5cm,2 块叠加厚度达1 厘米)分别在内裤内外各一块作为固定,内裤向上提使磁块贴附附睾慢性 炎症性结节、囊肿位置。在不影响工作生活的情况下持续粘贴,不能持续者则改用每天晚上睡觉时粘贴。结果:280 例经彩超检测 为附睾炎症性肿大结节、囊肿病人,持续外贴治疗24 小时至72 小时后,280 例病人会阴及下腹部不适、痛疼症状均明显缓解;持 续外贴治疗1 周症状消失的有145 例,症状基本消失的有35 例;持续2-3 周则症状全部消失。附睾增大变硬者经2 周治疗局部触 诊变软缩小,彩超提示结节变小。217 例结节、囊肿患者中持续3 至4 周治疗肿物消失,彩超报告提示为正常附睾声像的有150 例,67 例大小较前明显变小,有效率达100%。结论:稳恒强磁外贴治疗附睾炎症性肿大结节、囊肿完全有效,是一种安全有效简 便、无痛苦、易操作、价廉的值得推广的非药物治疗方法。
      Objective: This study is to observe the effect of the constant-strength magnetic block in the treatment of epididymitis in enlarged nodules, cysts. Looking for non-drug treatments to the epididymitis in enlarged nodules, cysts. Methods: Circular constant-strength magnetic blocks ( diameter 2cm thick 0.5cm, 2 pieces of overlay thickness up to 1 cm) were fixed in both inside and outside the underpants where the epididymis chronic inflammatory nodules, cyst location. Do have continued paste if it does not affect the work and the life, or, keep paste every night when sleep. Results: 280 patients with color Doppler ultrasound detection for epididymitis in enlarged nodules, cysts patient, after persistent paste in the treatment of 24 to 72 hours, 280 cases of perineal and abdominal discomfort, pain symptoms were significantly alleviated. After continuous external paste in the treatment of 1 weeks, the symptoms of 145 cases disappeared thoroughly, the symptoms of 35 cases disappeared basically; After 2-3weeks the symptoms of all the cases disappeared. The enlarged and harden epididymal became to soft and reduce, color Doppler ultrasound displayed that nodules become smaller after 2 weeks' treatment. In 217 patients with sarcoidosis, cyst patients who lasted 3 to 4 weeks of treatment, 150 cases had tumor disappeared, as color Doppler ultrasound report of tips for nomal epididymal image, and 67 cases' significantly become smaller, efficiency was 100%. Conclusions: The constant-strength magnetic block in the treatment of epididymitis in enlarged nodules, cysts was fully effective, which is a safe effective and simple, painless, easy to operate, cheap and worth popularizing non drug treatment method.
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