赵东波1 何扬1 孙辽2 胡芳2 王力1.厄贝沙坦联合吡格列酮对糖尿病肾病尿VEGF 水平的影响[J].,2012,12(24):4714-4717
厄贝沙坦联合吡格列酮对糖尿病肾病尿VEGF 水平的影响
The VEGF Levels' Influence of Irbesartan Combined with Pioglitazonein Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy
中文关键词: 糖尿病肾病  厄贝沙坦  吡格列酮  格列吡嗪  尿VEGF
英文关键词: Diabetic nephropathy  Irbesartan  Pioglitazone  Glipizide  Urinary VEGF
赵东波1 何扬1 孙辽2 胡芳2 王力1 广东省珠海市人民医院内分泌科 
摘要点击次数: 840
全文下载次数: 974
      目的:研究厄贝沙坦联合吡格列酮对糖尿病肾病(DN)患者尿VEGF 水平的影响。方法:选择糖尿病肾病患者60 例,根据尿 微量白蛋白排泄率(UAER)分为微量白蛋白尿组(30 例)和临床蛋白尿组(30 例),每组均分为三个亚组,分别采用格列吡嗪(A 组)、 吡格列酮(B 组)和厄贝沙坦+ 吡格列酮(C 组)连续治疗3 个月,在治疗第8 周、第10 周和第12 周分别比较各亚组间尿VEGF 水 平。结果:在治疗第8 周、第10 周和第12 周,C 组分别与A 组和B 组的尿VEGF 水平比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05),C 组的临床效果均显著优于A 组和B 组。结论:DN 患者应首选厄贝沙坦+ 吡格列酮药物治疗,可显著提高临床疗效,延缓病程进 展。
      Objective: To investigate the effect of VEGF levels Irbesartan combined with Pioglitazone in treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Method: Collect 60 patients with diabetic nephropathy, according to the UAER, they were divided into the microalbuminuria group (30 cases) and clinical proteinuria (30 cases). Each group were divided into three subgroups, compared with the urinary VEGF levels in the subgroups after eight weeks' treatment, ten weeks' treatment and twelve weeks' treatment. Result: After eight weeks' treatment, ten weeks' treatment and twelve weeks' treatment, there was significant statistical difference (P<0.05) in the urinary VEGF levels in three groups, the C group's clinical effects were better than that in the A group's and B group's. Conclusion: It should choose Irbesartan combined with Pioglitazone in treatment of diabetic nephropathy, and it could significantly improve the clinical effect and delay the disease progression.
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