王鸣1 陈玲2 张钰1 王志强1△ 张子其1.口服磷酸钠盐用于结肠癌术后老年患者结肠镜检查前肠道准备的 效果观察[J].,2012,12(24):4728-4730
口服磷酸钠盐用于结肠癌术后老年患者结肠镜检查前肠道准备的 效果观察
A Prospective Study of bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy with SodiumPhosphate Versus Adlerika in Elderly Patients with Colon CancerPostoperation
中文关键词: 结肠癌术后  结肠镜  磷酸钠盐
英文关键词: Colon cancer postoperation  Colonoscopy  Sodium phosphate
王鸣1 陈玲2 张钰1 王志强1△ 张子其1 解放军总医院南楼消化内镜诊疗科 
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      目的:评价口服磷酸钠盐用于结肠癌术后老年患者结肠镜检查前肠道准备的有效性、安全性及耐受性。方法:选取2011 年9 月1 日至2011 年12 月31 日间共116 例行结肠镜检查的结肠癌术后老年患者,随机分组纳入试验组例和对照组,试验组口服磷 酸钠盐进行肠道准备,对照组口服硫酸镁制剂。结肠镜检查术者单盲评价肠道准备的清洁度;患者在肠镜检查当日及检查结束1 周后评价肠道准备的耐受度。并记录不良反应(安全性)。结果:试验组肠道准备的总满意率为82.1 %(46/56),对照组为90.0 % (54/60),两组之间无明显差异(P>0.05)。检查当10.7 %的试验组患者和38.3 %的对照组患者认为肠道准备过程难以耐受(P=0. 001)。检查结束1 周后7.1 %的试验组患者和23.3 %的对照组患者认为肠道准备过程难以耐受(P=0.003)。两组之间不良反应无 显著性差异。结论:磷酸钠盐用于结肠癌术后老年患者的肠道准备,清洁效果和不良反应情况与硫酸镁制剂相似,但患者的耐受 性却显著提高。
      Objective: To evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of sodium phosphate used for colon cleaning in elderly patients with colon cancer postoperation. Methods: From September 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, 116 elderly patients who previously underwent colon cancer surgery were invited to participate and randomly assigned to either NaP or Adlerika. They were asked to fill in a questionnaire about preparation tolerability and future preferences. The endoscopist filled out a report about the quality of colon cleansing. And the adverse reactions were recorded (security). Results: The total bowel preparation satisfaction rate of NaP-group was 82.1% (46/56), the Adlerika-group was 90.0% (54/60), and there was no obvious difference between the two groups (P>0.05). Before colonoscopy 23 (38.3%) patients using Adlerika experienced the preparation almost intolerable, in contrast to 6 (10.7%) of those using NaP (P=0.001). One week after the colonoscopy 14 (23.3 %) patients using Adlerika experienced the preparation almost intolerable, in contrast to 4(7.1 %) of those using NaP (P=0.003). The adverse reactions were not significantly different between two groups. Conclusion: The efficacy and safety of Sodium phosphate used for colon cleaning in elderly patients with colon cancer postoperation was similar to Adlerika, but the patients' tolerability was significantly enhanced.
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