黄蕊1 高岩2 王静2.乳腺影像报告数据系统对乳腺疾病的诊断价值[J].,2012,12(25):4892-4895
Diagnostic Value of Breast Diseases with BI-RADS Lexicon
中文关键词: 乳腺疾病  BI-RADS 乳腺影像报告数据系统  超声
英文关键词: Breast disease  BI-RADS lexicon  Ultrasound
黄蕊1 高岩2 王静2 牡丹江医学院 
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      目的:探讨BI-RADS(breast imaging reporting and data system)乳腺影像报告数据系统对乳腺疾病的诊断价值。方法:采用彩 色多普勒超声对75 例乳腺占位性病变患者(均为女性)进行双侧乳腺探查,并采用BI-RADS 乳腺影像报告数据系统进行评价。选 取患者BI-RADS 3 类、4 类、5 类的94 枚病灶进行研究,以组织病理学诊断结果为金标准,来探讨其关系。结果:在94 个病灶中 BI-RADS 诊断为3 类32 枚,病理学结果证明良性30 枚(93.75%),恶性2 枚(6.25%);BI-RADS 诊断为4 类的36 枚,病理学结 果证明良性24 枚(66.67%),恶性12 枚(33.33%);BI-RADS 诊断为5 类的26 枚,病理学结果证明良性2 枚(7.69%),恶性24 枚 (92.31%)。结论:BI-RADS 乳腺影像报告数据系统可用来对各级病灶进行描述、评估,有利于提高乳腺病变影像诊断的特异性,为 临床医生提供了明确的病变信息,为其进行下一步治疗措施起着重要的指导价值。
      Objective: To explore the diagnostic value of breast diseases with BI-RADS lexicon. Methods: We use color Doppler ultrasound on 75 cases of breast space-occupying lesions. The patients, all females, had bilateral breast exploration, and used BI - RADS grading and diagnosis criteria for evaluation. The foci of the research was a selection of 94 patients with BI-RADS grade 3, 4, 5. The resulting histopathological diagnosis was considered the gold standard, when discussing their relationship. Results: Of the 94 lesions using BI-RADS diagnosis 32 were grade 3. Histopathological findings proved30 were benign (93.75% ) and 2 were malignant (6.25% ). BI-RADS Diagnosis 36 were grade 4. Histopathological findings proved 24 were benign (66.67%) and 12 were malignant (33.33%). BIRADS diagnosis 24 were grade 5. Histopathological findings proved 2 were benign (7.69%) and 22 were malignant (92.31%). Conclusion: BI-RADS diagnostic criteria can be used to describe various lesions. Imaging diagnosis assessment of breast lesions is helpful to improve the specificity, allowing clinicians to provide clear information for pathological changes, and playing an important guiding value for the next step of treatment.
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