臧晓党1 张宏涛1 张淑芳1 孙颖1 王英1 王金娟2.催产素肌注用于治疗产后乳汁淤积的相关研究[J].,2012,12(26):5147-5150
Oxytocin Intramuscular Injection for the Treatment of PostpartumMilk Siltation of the Related Research
中文关键词: 催产素  肌注  产后乳汁淤积  相关研究
英文关键词: Oxytocin  Injection  Postpartum milk siltation  Related research
臧晓党1 张宏涛1 张淑芳1 孙颖1 王英1 王金娟2 河北省廊坊市第四人民医院妇产科 
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      目的:通过肌注催产素治疗产后乳汁淤积,研究产后乳汁淤积的原因、临床症状及治疗。方法:回顾性分析我院2009年2 月 -2012年2月收治发生乳汁淤积患者200例的临床资料,随机分为实验组和对照组,各100 例,实验组采取催产素肌注治疗,对照 组采取按摩加热敷常规治疗。结果:两种患者均治疗3-5d后,实验组治愈67(67.00%)例,有效30(30.00%)例,无效3(3.00%)例, 总有效率为97.00%,明显优于对照组,通过治疗30min 及24h 观察有效率发现实验组30min40(40.00%)例乳房胀痛及乳腺结节 减轻,24h后97(97.00%)例乳房胀痛及乳腺结节减轻,用药后两侧乳腺导管直径分别对比,P<0.05,实验组治疗前后同侧乳腺导管 直径对比,P<0.05,对照组治疗前后差异不明显,可见,用药后实验组乳腺导管扩张。结论:肌注催产素可以有效预防治疗产后乳 汁淤积,出现乳腺肿胀症状,及时肌注,可以预防乳汁淤积出现。
      Objective: By intramuscular injection of oxytocin treatment of postpartum milk siltation, study of postpartum milk siltation causes, symptoms and treatment. Methods: Retrospectively in our hospital from 2010February -2012February were milk siltation occurs in200 cases, were randomly divided into experimental group and control group,100 cases each, the experiment group adopted oxytocin intramuscularly therapy, while the control group adopted conventional massage hot compress therapy. Results: Two patients were cured after treatment of3-5d, the experimental group67 (67.00% ) cases, effective in 30 (30% ) cases,3 (3.00% ) cases, the total effective rate was 97.00%, significantly better than the control group, the treatment of 30min and24h observation efficiency found in experimental group30min40 (40% ) cases of breast distending pain and breast nodules loss,24h after 97 (97.00% ) cases of breast distending pain and breast nodules loss, after administration of both sides of the ductal diameter respectively, P < 0.05, the experimental group before and after treatment of ipsilateral breast duct diameter comparison, P<0.05, control group before and after treatment difference is not apparent, visible, after administration of the experimental group of mammary duct ectasia. Conclusion: The intramuscular injection of oxytocin can be effective in preventing treatment of postpartum milk siltation, breast swelling symptoms, prompt intramuscular injection, can prevent the deposition of milk appears.
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