吴凤芝李峰△ 宋月晗马捷毛萌刘燕刘晶.海军指战员心理健康状况研究现状[J].,2014,14(2):353-357
The Research Status of Mental Health in Navy*
中文关键词: 海军  心理健康  评价工具  异常心理状况  影响因素  危害
英文关键词: Navy  Mental health  Evaluation tool  Abnormal psychological status  Influence factors  Harm
吴凤芝李峰△ 宋月晗马捷毛萌刘燕刘晶 北京中医药大学 
摘要点击次数: 662
全文下载次数: 1081
      摘要:我国军人的心理健康状况从80 年代后期开始有了较为系统的研究。海军指战员是社会的特殊群体,健康的心理素质可以 使海军指战员保持战斗力,更好的适应国防现代化的需要。海军指战员在一段较长的时间内,整日面对单一枯燥的环境,承受巨 大工作压力,加之其他一些影响因素,难免产生诸多心理问题。因此,探讨职业特殊环境对海军指战员心理健康造成的影响,对海 军指战员人格结构及心理健康状况进行评价,用以指导海军官兵在特殊环境中提高心理素质,避免不良影响,最终提高部队战斗 力具有十分重要的意义。通过查阅文献了解海军特殊职业环境对士兵心理健康影响的研究现状,总结当前应用的各种评价工具、 异常心理状况、影响因素及其危害,分析海军心理健康研究方面存在的不足与亟待解决的问题,为今后的研究提供参考。
      ABSTRACT:The study of navy mental health dates back to 1980s, and the systematic research began in late 1980s. As a special teamin society, the naval commanders and soldiers must keep good healthy psychological qualities in order to maintain combat capability, better adapt to the needs of national defense modernization. Naval commanders and soldiers usually are in single boring environment all day in a longer period of time, and may be under tremendous pressure combined with some other influential factors, thus it will inevitably lead a lot of psychological problems. Therefore, to explore the impact of the special occupational environment on Mental Health of naval officers and soldiers, and to evaluate their personality structures and mental status, will be helpful to improve the psychological quality of officers and sailors in a special environment, and avoid adverse effects, and ultimately their enhance combat capability. Therefore, the mental health is significant in navy. By literature search, we investigate the research status of navy mental health, conclude the evaluation tools, abnormal psychological conditions and their harms, the influence factors and analyze the problems in current mental health research on navy, which are references for the future study.
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