沈振 孙文娟 夏乐先.不同底物培养的细胞吸附固体基质和有机溶剂的差异[J].,2014,14(7):1216-1220
The Difference in the Adhesion of Cells Grown with Different Substrateto Solid Substrates and Organic Solution
中文关键词: 疏水性  吸附率  电解质  有机溶剂
英文关键词: Hydrophobicity  Adhered rate  Electrolyte  Organic solvent
沈振 孙文娟 夏乐先 生物冶金教育部重点实验室
摘要点击次数: 833
全文下载次数: 1010
      目的:对细菌吸附有机溶剂法进行一定的修改,探索水相溶液pH 和电解质浓度对测定细胞疏水性的影响,以及不同底物培 养的细胞疏水性的差异性。探索细胞和固体间的静电作用和疏水作用对细菌早期吸附的影响。方法:以9K液体培养基为水相溶 液,测定不同pH值和电解质浓度下细胞转移到有机相的吸附率。测定不同底物培养的细胞的Zeta 电位以及在石英砂和黄铜矿 表面的吸附率。结果:水相溶液pH 值的变化并没有引起细胞转移到有机溶液的吸附率的显著变化,而在实验所用的电解质浓度 梯度范围内,随着浓度的增加,细胞转移到有机溶剂的吸附率也随之增加,但是以单质硫为底物培养的细胞的吸附率始终大于以 Fe2+和黄铜矿为底物培养的细胞。在溶液pH 2.0 的条件下,石英砂和黄铜矿带负电,单质硫培养的细胞带正电,而以Fe2+和黄铜 矿为底物培养的额细胞带负电。结论:细胞表面疏水性不会受到溶液pH 值变化的扰动,但是却会随着电解液浓度的增加而增加, 以单质硫为底物培养的细胞的疏水性大于以Fe2+和黄铜矿为底物培养的细胞,不同的细胞表面均含有大量的作为电子供体和电 子受体的官能团。不同底物培养的细胞在石英砂和黄铜矿表面的早期吸附受到静电作用和疏水作用力的共同影响。
      Objective:The method of microbial adhesion to solvents was accomplished by a small modification to describe the effect of solution pH value and electrolyte concentration on cellular hydrophobicity. The difference in cellular hydrophobicity of three strains grown with different substrate was investigated. The effect of electrostatic interaction and hydrophobicity on bacterial adhesion was investigated.Methods: According to classical principle of microbial adhesion to solvents, the adhered rate of cells to solvents was calculated by direct counting. The change in adhered rate to organic solvents was investigated as a function with solution pH value and electrolyte concentration on the basis of 9K liquid mediumas aqueous phase.Results:There is no significant difference in adhered rate of cells to organic solvents as a function with solution pH value. But the adhered rate increased as the electrolyte concentration increased in certain range. And the adhered rate to organic solvents of cells grown with elemental sulfur is bigger than that of cells grown with Fe2+ and chalcopyrite. In pH 2.0 solution, the surface charge of quartz and chalcopyrite and cells grown with Fe2+ and chalcopyrite was negative, and the charge of cells grown with elemental sulfur was positive.Conclusion:The cellular hydrophobicity was not prominently impacted by the change of solution pH value, but increased as the electrolyte concentration increased. Elemental sulfur-grown cells exhibited a higher hydrophobicity than Fe2+-grown and chalcopyrite-grown cells. A great of functional groups of electron donor and electron acceptor existed on the cellular surface of any cells. The adhered behavior of cells grown with different substrate to quartz and chalcopyrite was determined by electrostatic interaction and hydrophobicity between cells and solid adsorption substrates.
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