傅卓 任少敏 高晓峰 杨光路 李筱贺.过敏性紫癜血管内皮生长因子含量及其与肾损害指标的相关性[J].,2014,14(7):1287-1290
The Relationship of PlasmLevel of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factorand Dysfunction of Kidney in Children Anaphylactoid Purpura
中文关键词: 过敏性紫癜  紫癜性肾炎  儿童  血管内皮生长因子
英文关键词: AP  APN  Children  VEGF
基金项目:内蒙古自治区卫生厅资助项目(2006022);内蒙古自然科学基金项目(2012MS1117); 内蒙古医学院博士科研启动基金(BSJJ2011007)
傅卓 任少敏 高晓峰 杨光路 李筱贺 内蒙古医科大学附属医院儿科
摘要点击次数: 806
全文下载次数: 1030
      目的:探讨紫癜性肾炎(APN)、过敏性紫癜(AP)和正常对照组血中血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和肾损害指标的含量变化,以 及APN 中VEGF和肾损害指标的相关性,以证实VEGF参与了AP的部分发病机理。方法:采用ELISA 法检测APN 组22 例, AP 组28 例及健康儿童30 名为正常对照组的血VEGF 的含量。生化分析仪检测三组患儿的血清肌酐(Cr),beta2 微球蛋白 (beta2-MG)和双缩脲法检测24h 尿蛋白定量。比较APN 组、AP 组和正常对照组之间VEGF 和肾损害指标的差异,及APN 组、AP 组分别与肾损害指标血Cr、beta2-MG 和24h 尿蛋白定量的相关性分析。结果:血浆VEGF 含量APN 组>AP组>正常对照组,差异 有统计学意义(P<0.01),APN 组患儿血beta2-MG、Cr和24 小时尿蛋白量较AP组患儿显著增高(P<0.01);AP组患儿血清beta2-MG、Cr 较对照组患儿显著增高,24 小时尿蛋白量无明显差异;APN 组患儿血浆VEGF的含量与血茁2-MG、血Cr、24 小时尿蛋白量呈正 相关(r >0,P<0.01)。结论:儿童AP血浆VEGF含量,APN 比无肾损害的AP 更高,说明了血浆VEGF水平增高与肾损害的程度密 切相关,VEGF参与了AP和APN血管炎的发生发展过程,并可与肾损害指标反映其病情程度。
      Objective:To explore the relationship between plasm level of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and children anaphylactoid purpura (AP).Methods:The concentrations of VEGF in plasmwere detected with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in ninety children with AP and thirty healthy children. The serum Cr, beta2-MG and 24h urine protein quantitative were detected with biochemical analyzer. The concentrations of VEGF serum of AP children Compared with acute phase, remission and healthy control group,and with acute kidney involvement group (APN group) and no renal involvement group (AP group). Results:The level of VEGF in acute phase of AP children was significantly higher than those in remission and normal control group; the level of VEGF in remission group was higher than that of normal control group; the level of VEGF in acute phase of APN group was significantly higher than those in AP group and normal control group; The serum concentrations of beta2-MG and 24h urine protein in APN group was significantly higher than AP group; the serum concentrations of Cr and beta2-MG in acute phase of AP children was significantly higher than normal control group; the concentrations of serum beta2-MG, Cr and 24 hour urinary protein were positively correlated with plasma VEGF in APN children in acute phase.Conclusion:The concentrations of VEGF in serum increases markedly in acute phase of AP,those in APN is higher than in AP.Increased plasma VEGF level has a close correlation to the degree of AP renal damage, and VEGF is involved in the occurrence and development of AP and APN vasculitis, and can reflect the severity of the disease.
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