易蕊 郝楠 王娟 程齐波 郭晓东.军队医院医疗质量管理存在的问题及对策[J].,2014,14(7):1373-1375
Problems and Countermeasures to the Managementof Medical Quality in the Military Hospital
中文关键词: 军队医院  医疗质量管理  问题及对策
英文关键词: Military hospital  Medical quality management  Problems and countermeasures
易蕊 郝楠 王娟 程齐波 郭晓东 解放军医学院
北京军区总医院解放军第302 医院 
摘要点击次数: 1069
全文下载次数: 1044
      :随着我国医疗体制改革的不断推进,医院面临着自身管理体系和管理方式的重要革新。在新形势下,如何保证医疗质量管 理更加规范、管理体系更加完善是医院管理者普遍重视的问题。医疗质量是医疗技术和医疗服务的核心、是医院竞争力的实质、 是医院发展的根本。医院医疗质量的水平直接影响着患者的受益程度,也影响着医院自身的声誉和效益。因此,加强医疗质量管 理可以有效地保证患者的利益,提高医院竞争力,促进医院可持续发展。随着社会的发展、科技的进步、医学模式的转变及国防建 设的需要,军队医院的职能和作用也发生了变化,其不仅为军人提供医疗服务,也为地方群众就医提供便利。军队医院的医疗质 量管理直接关系着军人的健康保障,也影响着地方群众的治疗效果。本文通过分析军队医院医疗质量管理存在的问题提出相应 的对策,部队医院医疗质量管理部门应与时俱进,顺应国家医药卫生体制改革的同时,着眼于未来发展,建立健全医疗质量管理 体系,改进管理模式,从而提高医疗质量,创造更高的经济效益和社会效益,以实现科学的可持续发展。
      With the improvement of the national medical systemreformation, the management systemof hospital has been on the go to reform and innovate. It has become the essential problem that the administrator should perform the countermeasures which could help to standardize the medical quality and promote the system of medical management. The medical quality is the core of the medical technology and service, the essence of the competitiveness and the foundation of the development for hospitals. The level of the medical quality that directly affects the benefit of patients and the reputation and rewards of hospitals. Therefore, it is necessary that we should implement measures to strengthen the medical quality which could guarantee the interests of patients effectively, enhance the advantages and promote the sustainable development of hospitals. With the development of society, the progress of science and technology, the transformation of medical mode and the requirement of national defense construction, the functional role of the military hospital have changed ever. Not only does it provide the medical service for military members, but also the convenience for local citizens. The medical quality management of military hospitals is related to the healthcare of military members, as well as the therapeutic effect of local patients. This article is written to propose a few of countermeasures to promote the level of medical quality management by analyzing the existing problems in military hospitals. It is indicated that the medical quality management should keep up with the times, comply with the reformation of national medical health system and look forward to the future by means of establishing and modifying the mode of medical quality management which could improve the level of medical quality and make contributions to economic and social benefits for hospitals so as to achieve the sustainable and scientific development. Military hospital; Medical quality management; Problems and
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