彭清涛△ 王京夏本立王育兵杨凯.生物体微弱磁场检测技术在某部特殊作业人员健康评估中 的应用研究*[J].,2014,14(10):1957-1960
生物体微弱磁场检测技术在某部特殊作业人员健康评估中 的应用研究*
Application of OrganismWeak Magnetic Field Detection Technologyon Health Evaluation of Special Operators of Some Department*
中文关键词: 生物体微弱磁场检测技术  特殊作业人员  健康评估
英文关键词: Organismweak magnetic field detection technology  Special operator  Health evaluation
彭清涛△ 王京夏本立王育兵杨凯 总装备部卫生防疫队北京100101 
摘要点击次数: 784
全文下载次数: 1262
      摘要目的:研究某部特殊作业人员的健康状况,为有针对性地提出防护措施提供参考依据。方法:随机抽取某部不同工作岗位的 特殊作业人员145 名,进行生物体微弱磁场检测分析,以获取包括疲劳、免疫、睡眠、脑机能、血压、心脏、消化、肝胆、泌尿生殖、呼 吸、运动、钙代谢、糖代谢、脂代谢、嘌呤代谢等15 个系统在内的108 项健康评估检测指标。对于每一项指标,仪器自带有其正常 值范围,凡低于下限或高于上限的指标被视为异常。结果:所测特殊作业人员总体在钙代谢系统、消化系统、心脏系统、血压系统、 呼吸系统、运动系统、免疫系统等七个系统存在不适症状的较为突出,其中钙代谢失衡的占比83.45%,脾胃不和的占比78.62%, 心脏功能欠佳的占比72.41%,血压不稳的占比64.14%,咽喉不适的占比59.31%,骨关节不适的占比58.62%,免疫功能下降的占 比51.72%。出现运动系统“颈椎疾患”症状的人数占比,实验组明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:特殊作业环境可能会影响作业人员 的身体健康,应采取有效的安全防护措施,以减弱或消除有毒有害化学物质污染、强噪声、电磁辐射等对人体健康的影响。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To investigate the effect of special environment on health status of special operators of some department, and provide the reference basis to put forward the protection measures effectively.Methods:145 special operators were randomly selected among different posts of some department, and organism weak magnetic field was analyzed to obtain108 test index of health status including fatigue system, immunity system, sleep system, brain function system, blood pressure system, heart system, digestion system, liver and gallbladder system, urinary and reproduction system, respiratory system, sports system, calcium supersession system, sugar supersession system, fat supersession system, purine supersession system. For every index, there was a normal number scale.Results: It was obvious that seven systems were abnormal including calcium supersession system, digest system, heart system, blood pressure system, respiratory system, sports system and immunity system. There was 83.45% of abnormal calcium supersession, while which was78.62% for abnormal spleen and stomach,72.41% for abnormal heart function, 64.14% for unstable blood pressure, 59.31% for uncomfortable throat , 58.62% for abnormal bone joint, 51.72% for decreased immunity function. The numbers with cervical disease of the observation group were higher than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P <0.05).Conclusion: The special operation environment may influence the health status of operators, the effective protection measures should be taken to reduce or eliminate the effect.
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