李振 孙立 苏楠 袁胜涛.肿瘤微环境中脂肪细胞分泌因子对肿瘤细胞的作用[J].,2014,14(11):2190-2192
The Interactin between Tumor Cells and Adipocyte in Microenvironment
中文关键词: 微环境  脂肪细胞  代谢紊乱
英文关键词: Microenvironment  Adipocyte  Metabolic disturbance
李振 孙立 苏楠 袁胜涛 中国药科大学新药筛选中心 
摘要点击次数: 853
全文下载次数: 1622
      :肿瘤微环境是由肿瘤局部浸润的巨噬细胞、成纤维细胞、脂肪细胞以及其所分泌的活性因子等与肿瘤细胞共同构成的局部 内环境。肿瘤的发生和转移与肿瘤细胞所处的微环境密切相关。近年研究发现,脂肪组织是一个代谢活跃的分泌器官,可分泌多 种与肿瘤相关脂肪因子。在多种类型肿瘤的恶化过程中,肿瘤微环境中的脂肪细胞代谢和分泌作用受到广泛的重视。随着对脂肪 细胞病理学研究的深入,肿瘤微环境中的脂肪细胞对肿瘤恶化所起的重要作用已逐渐凸现出来,本文着重阐述了脂肪组织病理 学变化所引发的体内相关代谢紊乱,以及其所导致的脂肪细胞分泌因子的变化对肥胖相关癌症发生发展的影响,深入探讨了脂 肪细胞功能障碍所诱发的代谢紊乱对肿瘤生物学的影响。
      The tumor microenvironment consists of tumor cells, infiltrated microphages, fibroblasts, adipocytes, soluble factors and signaling molecules, which plays a vital role in promoting neoplastic transformation, and supporting tumor growth, as well as invasion. Recent studies showed adipose tissue can excrete various tumor related adipocytokines, which makes the metabolism and secretory of adipocytes important to tumor progression. With the deeper pathophysiological study of adipocyte, the critical role of adipocyte in tumor development is moving center stage in tumor stroma-related studies. In this review, we focus on the role of obesity-induced systemic metabolic changes and the concomitant modification of the paracrine and endocrine panel of stromal adipocyte-derived secretory products ("adipokines") in the incidence and progression of obesity-related cancers, to illustrating the potential impact of obesity-induced adipocyte dysfunction on cancer biology.
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