周金花 刘丽君 周冰玉 阳星娥 吕秀霞.两种保暖方式对早产儿住院期间生命体征及体重的影响[J].,2014,14(12):2313-2315
Effect of Vital Signsand Weight of Two WarmMethod for PrematureChildren During Hospitalization
中文关键词: 保暖方式  早产儿  生命体征  体重
英文关键词: Warmmethod  Premature children  Vital signs  Weight
周金花 刘丽君 周冰玉 阳星娥 吕秀霞 南方医科大学附属佛山妇幼保健院生殖中心 
摘要点击次数: 599
全文下载次数: 1002
      目的:探讨两种保暖方式对早产儿住院期间生命体征及体重的影响。方法:选择2011 年5月至2012 年12 月在我院住院治 疗的150 例早产儿作为研究对象,采用随机抽取序号的方式分为观察组和对照组各75 例。观察组采用婴儿培养箱对其进行保 暖,对照组采用远红外辐射保暖台对其进行保暖,分别对两组早产儿在住院期间的生命体征及体重进行监测、记录、统计、分析和 比较。结果:观察组早产儿第一周及第二周体重增长情况均明显优于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对早产 儿及时采用婴儿培养箱的方式进行保暖,能稳定早产儿的生命体征,降低伤残率,有利于早产儿的生长发育。
      Objective:To investigate the effect of vital signsand weight of two warm method for premature children during hospitalization.Methods:150 cases of premature children during May 2011 to December 2012 in our hospital were chosen as research subjects, using random serial numbers divided into observation group and control group of 75 cases. Infant incubator observation group use warm when the control group using far infrared radiant warmer warm them and vital signs and body weight of these preterm children during hospitalization were compared.Results:The Group preterm children in the second week of and the first week of weight gaining were significantly better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Preterm children infant incubator timely manner who using warm can stable vital signs of premature children and reduce the rate of disability is conducive to growth and development in pretermchildren.
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