郝丽杰 李小莹 张玫 樊洁 牛小羽 和芳.以问题为中心的学习方法在高职社区问诊技能教学中的应用[J].,2014,14(12):2346-2348
Application of PBL Teaching Method in Inquiry of Diagnostics Education inHigher Vocational Education Community
中文关键词: PBL  问诊  高职社区
英文关键词: Problem-based learning  Inquiry  Higher vocational education community
郝丽杰 李小莹 张玫 樊洁 牛小羽 和芳 首都医科大学宣武医院消化科 
摘要点击次数: 624
全文下载次数: 976
      目的:探讨以问题为中心的教学方法(problem-based learning,PBL)在高职社区问诊教学中的效果,寻求更有效的现代医学教 育方法。方法:在高职社区问诊技能学习中开展以问题为中心的教学方法(PBL),分析问诊中存在的问题,以提高知识应用与沟通 能力。结果:通过对62 名高职医学生进行问诊技能和见习报告评分显示,成绩优良比率为89%,满意度调查显示83.87%的高职医 学生对PBL教学方法满意。PBL教学可以让高职医学生灵活的利用自已的时间,进行比较主动的学习,可以更好的发现高职医学 生在问诊见习中存在的问题,有利于提高高职医学生的问诊技能及医患沟通能力,但实施中所需时间较长,占用课时多。结论: PBL教学对高职医学生的主动学习能力、问诊技能及医患沟通能力的提高有利,医学生对PBL 教学方法满意度高。在医学教育中 可以将PBL教学和传统教学方法结合起来,以在有效的时间里达到更好的教学效果。
      Objective:To investigate the effect of teaching method PBL in inquiry of diagnostics education of higher vocational education community.Methods:PBL teaching method was taken in teaching inquiry of diagnostics in Higher vocational education community. The questions of inquiry were analyzed to increase application of knowledge and communication skills.Results:62 medical college students were tested for their inquiry skills and practice report score display: excellent performance ratio of 89%. Satisfaction survey of higher vocational medical students for teaching method of PBL was 83.87%. PBL teaching can make higher vocational medical students to their own time to use flexible, comparison of active learning, and can be found in higher vocational medical students in the inquiry application problems. It is conducive to the improvement of medical college students inquiry skills and communication skills, but implementation required a longer time.Conclusion:PBL teaching of higher vocational education community active learning ability, inquiry skills and communication ability good. Medical students are satisfacted with PBL teaching method. medical education can be PBL teaching combined with traditional teaching methods, in order to achieve better teaching effect in the effective time.
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