张妍 郭庆 郝杰 许博 孙青.羊膜及羊膜匀浆液在眼科学中应用的研究进展[J].,2014,14(12):2387-2389
Advancement in Ophthalmology Studies on Amnion and AmnioticHomogenate
中文关键词: 羊膜  羊膜匀浆液  移植  组织工程  损伤
英文关键词: Amnion  Amniotic homogenate  Transplantation  Tissue engineering  Injuries
张妍 郭庆 郝杰 许博 孙青 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院眼科 
摘要点击次数: 563
全文下载次数: 982
      膜应用于医学已有一个多世纪,应用于眼科也有70 余年的历史。因种种原因,在很长一段时间里,对羊膜的研究停滞不 前,但随着生物医学技术和其它相关技术的发展,羊膜的解剖结构及生物学特性研究得越来越深入。而随着羊膜的解剖和生物学 特性日益明确,羊膜在医学和组织工程学中的应用也越来越广泛,并且应用前景广阔。近年来,由于羊膜的诸多解剖和生物学特 性符合眼科学发展的需要,羊膜在眼科中的应用也日益广泛,并取得了良好的临床效果。羊膜的研磨提取液- 羊膜匀浆液保留了 羊膜中的有效生物成分,在治疗眼部疾病方面也取得了一定的进展。国内外关于羊膜及羊膜匀浆的研究文献有很多,为了更深入 了解羊膜的特性及其在眼科疾病治疗方面的优势,该文将对羊膜的应用历史、羊膜及羊膜匀浆液的制备及保存、生物学特性及其 在眼科学中的应用作一综述。
      Amnion was applied to Medicine over a century,to ophthalmology over a history of 70 years. because of a variety of reason,in a long session,the study of amnion cease to make progress,but with the develop of Biomedical Technology and other cross-correlation technique, the research of amniote anatomic structure and bionomics penetrates more and more deeply. With amniote anatomic structure and bionomics clear-cut day by day,the application of amnion in Medicine and Tissue Engineering is more and more extensive and prospect broad. for the past few years, because so many anatomic structure and bionomics is to accord with the development of ophthalmology, the application of amnion in ophthalmology is also more and more extensive and gain a satisfactory clinical effect. The grinded extracting solution of amnion-amniotic homogenate retains effective biological ingredient and also makes certain advancement in treating ocular region diseases. There are many study documents on amnion and amniotic homogenate at home and abroad, in order to make a deeper realization of bionomics and superiority treating ocular region diseases of amnion, the review will summarize the aspects as follows:the application history of amnion,the preparation and preservation of amnion and amniotic homogenate, amniotic bionomics and application to Ophthalmology.
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