罗阳 杨向群 李佳琛 甘霏霏 田菁燕 宋丹 彭南妮.新生小鼠卵巢组织的玻璃化冻存、移植及分离卵泡的 体外成熟培养初步研究[J].,2014,14(13):2457-2460
新生小鼠卵巢组织的玻璃化冻存、移植及分离卵泡的 体外成熟培养初步研究
Investigation of the Vitrification and Sequential Transplantation of NewbornMice Ovaries,and the in vitro Maturation of Isolated Oocytes
中文关键词: 卵巢  玻璃化冷冻  卵巢移植  卵母细胞体外成熟培养
英文关键词: Ovary  Vitrification  Ovary transplantation  Oocytes in vitro maturation
罗阳 杨向群 李佳琛 甘霏霏 田菁燕 宋丹 彭南妮 深圳市第五人民医院生殖医学中心 
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全文下载次数: 1166
      目的:系统地探索新生小鼠卵巢组织的玻璃化冻存建立卵巢库,移植和分离卵泡以及体外成熟培养的实验方法。方法:对1 日龄小鼠卵巢组织进行冻存,解冻复苏和同种肾包膜下移植,从卵巢移植物种中进行卵泡分离和体外成熟培养。结果:①采用平 衡液(ES)处理25min,玻璃化液(VS)处理3min 方案冻存的卵巢组织具有更高比例的形态完整卵泡,其完整原始卵泡率均值达 96.6%,显著性高于实验中其它四组方案(P<0.05);②在分别移植2 周和4 周后回收卵巢移植物,发现二者的卵巢回收率无显著差 异(P>0.05),但移植4 周组的卵泡回收数目要明显高于2 周组(P<0.05);③在培养基中添加适量的自体血清(10%,V/V)能显著提 高卵子的体外成熟率,培养12h 后对照组中生发泡破裂(GVBD)发生率为(34.74± 4.26)%,添加血清后提高至(54.60± 3.37)%,成 熟的MⅡ期卵子获得率从(43.17± 1.31)%升高至(57.75± 5.31)%,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:通过该实验较好地建立了卵巢组 织的玻璃化冻存、移植和卵泡分离以及体外成熟培养的实验方法。
      Objective:To investigate the experimental methods for the vitrification of newborn mice ovaries to established ovarian libraries, sequential transplantation, and the in vitro maturation of isolated oocytes from grafted ovaries.Methods:Ovaries from one-day old mice were vitrified, and the warmed ovaries were allografted the kidney capsules of adult female mice, then isolated oocytes fromthe ovary grafts for in vitro maturing.Results① The percentages of morphologically normal follicles from the protocol of placeing in equilibration solution for 25min, and vitrification solution for 3min were significantly greater than those achieved from other four protocols (P<0.05); ② 2 weeks and 4 weeks after grafting, there was no significant difference in recovery (P>0.05), but the number of recovered follicles for the four weeks group was significantly higher than that in 2 weeks (P<0.05);③ Supplement autologous serum (10%, V / V) in the in vitro mature mediumcould significantly improve the rate of of mature oocytes (P<0.05), from (34.74± 4.26)%in control group to (54.60± 3.37)%in experimental group exhibited germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), while the rate of proceeded to the metaphase II (MII) stage mature oocytes from(43.17± 1.31)%to (57.75± 5.31)%.Conclusion:The experimental methods in ovarian tissue vitrification, transplantation and the in vitro maturation of isolated oocytes were well established.
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