巴红珍 李延静 刘冬琴 高翔 闫伟 巩凡.双源CT 冠状动脉血管成像诊断心肌桥的价值探讨[J].,2014,14(13):2529-2531
双源CT 冠状动脉血管成像诊断心肌桥的价值探讨
Evaluation of DSCT in the Diagnosis of Myocardial Bridge
中文关键词: 双源CT  冠状动脉  心肌桥
英文关键词: Dual-source CT  Coronary  Myocardial bridge
巴红珍 李延静 刘冬琴 高翔 闫伟 巩凡 延安大学附属医院心脑血管分院影像诊断科 
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      目的:研究双源CT 冠状动脉血管成像诊断心肌桥的临床价值。方法:选择260 例具有典型心前区不适的患者进行双源CT 冠脉血管成像检查,观察其发生部位,测量其长度和深度并进行分析。结果:260 例受检患者中,62例共70 段存在心肌桥,检出率 达20.76%,高于文献报道的检出率18.2%。所有心肌桥均发生于左前降支,其中近段17 段(24.4%),中段43 段(61.4%),远段10 段 (14.2%)。心肌桥平均长度为15.8± 6.4mm,深度为1.4± 0.85mm。结论:双源CT 冠状动脉血管成像因其便捷无创,不受心率严格 限制且价格低廉可作为心肌桥筛查的理想检查手段。
      Objective:Clinical value of dual-source CT coronary angiography in the diagnosis of myocardial bridge.Methods:260 patients with dual-source CT coronary artery angiography in patients with typical angina discomfort, observe the occurrence site, measuring the length and depth of analysis.Results:260 patients in 62 cases were 70 of the existence of myocardial bridge, detection rate of 20.76%, higher than the rate reported in the literature 18.2%. All of the myocardial bridge were found in the left anterior descending, nearly 17 (24.4%), 43 in middle segment (61.4%), 10 in distal segment (14.2%). The average length of myocardial bridge was 15.8 ± 6.4mm, 1.4± 0.85mm in depth.Conclusion:Dual-source CT coronary artery imaging because of its convenient noninvasive, not affected by heart rate strictly limit and low prices can be used as an ideal means of screening examination of myocardial bridge.
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