禹晓娟 刘丽 熊志强 潘佳 曾微.胃食管反流病的治疗进展[J].,2014,14(13):2577-2579
The Recent Advances in the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
中文关键词: 胃食管反流病  药物治疗  内镜治疗  手术治疗
英文关键词: Gastroesophageal reflux disease  Drug treatment  Endoscopic treatment  Surgical treatment
禹晓娟 刘丽 熊志强 潘佳 曾微 南华大学长沙市第一医院
摘要点击次数: 919
全文下载次数: 1396
      胃食管反流病(gastroesophaeal reflux disease,GERD)是医疗实践中的最常见的疾病之一,其发病率在世界范围内呈逐年上 升趋势,且随年龄增长而增加,40-60岁为高发年龄[1]。GERD 是一种由胃、十二指肠内容物反流入食管引起不适症状和(或)并发 症的疾病,GERD 在临床上大致可分为:糜烂性食管炎(EE)(反流性食管炎(RE))和非糜烂性食管炎(NERD)。其中NERD 最多 见,约占60%。GERD远期危害较小,但其病情漫长且极易复发,严重影响了生活质量。主要表现为食管症状(包括典型的烧心 和反流)和食管外症状(包括咽部异物感、咳嗽、声嘶、哮喘、咽喉炎等表现),还有增加发展为Barrett 食管及食管癌的危险[2,3]。 GERD的治疗目的是愈合食管炎,快速缓解症状、减少复发、提高生活质量,治疗方法主要包括以下4 个方面:一般治疗,药物治疗, 内镜下治疗和外科治疗。近年来已成为国内外研究的热点,本文就近年来对GERD 的治疗进展做一综述。
      Gastroesophageal reflux disease (gastroesophaeal reflux diseases, GERD) is one of the most common disease in medical practice, there is an upward trend in the incidence of a disease throughout the world, and increases with age, 40-60 years for high-risk age [1]. GERD is a caused by the stomach, duodenumcontent into esophageal symptoms and (or) complications of the disease, GERD in clinic can be roughly divided into: erosive esophagitis (EE) (reflux esophagitis (RE) and non erosive esophagitis (NERD). See the largest NERD, accounts for about 60%. GERD forward less damaging, but it was a long and easy to relapse, seriously affected the quality of life. Mainly for esophageal symptoms (including typical heartburn and reflux) and extraesophageal symptoms (including pharyngeal foreign body sensation, cough, hoarseness, sore throat, asthma, etc.), and increase the development of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer risk [2,3]. Aim of treatment for GERD is healing esophagitis, quickly relieve symptoms, reduce the recurrence, improve the quality of life, treatment method mainly includes the following four aspects: general treatment, drug therapy, endoscopic treatment and surgical treatment. In recent years has become a hot research at home and abroad, this paper summarize the progress in treatment of GERD.
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