郑海英 王海燕 郝蕾 王霞 赵宇.科素亚对长期大强度运动所致大鼠心脏纤维化的预防作用[J].,2014,14(14):2636-2639
Preventive Effect of Cozaar on the Long-TermIntensive ExerciseInduced Heart Fibrosis in rats
中文关键词: 科素亚  长期  大强度运动  心脏纤维化
英文关键词: Cozaar  Longterm  Intensive exercise  Heart Fibrosis
郑海英 王海燕 郝蕾 王霞 赵宇 内蒙古医学院附属医院心内科内蒙古医科大学基础医学院 
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      目的:研究血管紧张素Ⅱ 1 型受体拮抗剂科素亚对长期大强度运动所致心脏纤维化的预防作用。方法:48 只雄性Wistar 大 鼠随机分为4 组:对照组,科素亚处理的对照组,运动组,运动+科素亚处理组。运动组大鼠给予16周大强度运动,科素亚处理的 大鼠每天训练前口服科素亚每次(50 毫克/公斤/ 天)。通过计算心系数和观察心脏的组织形态学评估和比较各组大鼠心脏肥大 的程度,免疫印迹法检测和比较各组大鼠4 个心腔内转化生长因子-茁1、纤维连接蛋白1、基质金属蛋白酶-2、I 型胶原蛋白和III 型胶原蛋白的蛋白表达水平。结果:长期大强度运动可造成大鼠左心室心脏壁肥大和右心室胶原沉积,心房和右心室的主要纤维 化生物标志物的蛋白表达水平显著增加。科素亚预处理能够减少主要纤维化生物标志物TGF-茁1、FIBROECTIN-1、MMP-2、 TIMP-1、COLLAGEN-I、COLLAGEN-III表达水平,但不能完全改变心脏重量与体重比值增大的状态。结论:科素亚可部分预防耐 力运动训练所致的心脏纤维化,但不能彻底改善心脏肥大。
      Objective:This study examined the antifibrotic effect of Cozaar, an angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist, in an animal model of heart fibrosis induced by long-termintense exercise.Methods:MaleWistar rats were randomly distributed into 4 experimental groups: Exercise, Exercise plus losartan, Sedentary and Sedentary plus Cozaar. Exercise groups were conditioned to run vigorously for 16 weeks. Cozaar was orally administered daily before each training session (50 mg/kg/day). After euthanasia, heart hypertrophy was evaluated by histological studies; ventricular collagen deposition was quantified by histological and biochemical studies; and protein expression of transforming growth factor-b1, fibronectin-1, matrix metalloproteinase-2, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1, procollagen- I and procollagen-III was evaluated in all 4 cardiac chambers.Results:Daily intensive exercise caused hypertrophy in the left ventricular heart wall and originated collagen deposition in the right ventricle. Additionally long-term intensive exercise induced a significant increase in protein synthesis of the major fibrotic markers in both atria and in the right ventricle. Cozaar treatment was able to reduce all increases of protein synthesis of the major fibrotic markers, although it could not completely ameliorate the the ratio between body and heart weight caused by intensive exercise.Conclusions:Cozaar treatment prevents the heart fibrosis induced by endurance exercise in training animals, however, it could not completely reverse the heart hypertrophy
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