祝冰晶 熊福 何建 梁岚 罗光明.肺放线菌病1 例报告并文献复习[J].,2014,14(14):2733-2735
肺放线菌病1 例报告并文献复习
Pulmonary actinomycosis: One Case Report and Review of the Literature
中文关键词: 肺放线菌病  诊断  治疗  病例报告
英文关键词: Pulmonary actinomycosis infection  Diagnosis  Treatment  Case report
祝冰晶 熊福 何建 梁岚 罗光明 第三军医大学西南医院呼吸内科 
摘要点击次数: 920
全文下载次数: 937
      目的:分析肺放线菌病的临床表现、诊断及治疗,提高对肺放线菌病的认识。方法:回顾性分析我科收治的1 例肺放线菌病 患者的临床资料,并对相关文献进行复习。结果:本例患者,43 岁,男性,以咳嗽、咳血性痰为主要临床表现,胸部CT 提示右肺上 叶结节,经皮肺穿刺活检结果确诊肺放线菌病,青霉素治疗效果好。结论:肺放线菌病是放线菌感染引起的一种少见的呼吸系统 疾病,起病隐匿,呈渐进性过程,临床表现及影像学检查均无特异性,放线菌可在肺部引起化脓性肺炎,并经叶间隙、胸膜侵犯胸 壁、肋骨,形成窦道及破坏骨质。确诊有赖于病理学或微生物学证据,主要可采用青霉素抗感染治疗,在疑似肿瘤的情况下,需通 过外科手术治疗,既可以明确诊断也避免病变进一步引起肺、胸壁等组织的不可逆性破坏。
      Objective:To evaluate the clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary actinomycosis.and enhance the knowledge of pulmonary actinomycosis during clinical practice.Methods:The process of diagnosis for one patient with pulmonary actinomycosis was analyzed and the literatures about pulmonary actinomycosis in recent years were reviewed.Results:The 43 year old male had productive cough, bloody sputum. Thoracic computed tomography (CT) showed a 5-cm mass in the upper lobe of the right lung, CT-guided needle biopsy of the right pulmonary lesion showed pulmonary actinomycosis. The patient was good responsive to penicillinConclusions:Pulmonary actinomycosis is a rare disease caused by Actinomyces sp with an occult beginning and progressive chronic course. Its symptoms and radiological findings are not characteristic. It may further extend into the soft tissues and bones of the chest wall causing cutaneous fistulas and osteolysis Histological examination of the pulmonary specimen established the diagnosis of pulmonary actinomycosis. Penicillin is the most commonly used empirical treatment, a shorter therapy is used more often surgery in combination with medical treatment offered reliably excellent results.
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