陈颖 陈丽萍 张冰 丛立 邬超 杨晓红.COPD评估测试与BODE 指数的相关研究[J].,2014,14(14):2742-2744
COPD评估测试与BODE 指数的相关研究
A Study on COPD Assessment Test with Bode index in ChronicObstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients
中文关键词: CAT 评分  BORE 指数  COPD
英文关键词: CAT score  Bode index  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
陈颖 陈丽萍 张冰 丛立 邬超 杨晓红 新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院呼吸与危重症医学科 山东省滨州医学院烟台附院 
摘要点击次数: 701
全文下载次数: 1486
      目的:探讨COPD 评估测试(COPD Assessment Test, CAT)中文版在我国慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者生活质量评价中的价值,并 探讨其与BORD 指数相关性。方法:选择2010 年6 月至2012 年6 月在新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院呼吸与危重症医学科就诊的 89 例COPD 患者,在急性期和稳定期分别进行CAT 评分及BORD 指数评分。将结果进行配对t 检验,评价CAT 量表对COPD 患者病情变化的敏感性,再进行相关性检验,评价其有效性。结果:配对t 检验显示CAT 评分在稳定期较急性期有明显改善(P<0. 01),与临床症状、肺功能、呼吸困难指数改善一致,CAT 评分分值与BORD指数相关性较好(r=0.541,P < 0.000)。结论:CAT 评分 是评价我国COPD患者生活质量有效、敏感、可行的方法。
      Objective:To explore the value of Chinese version of COPD Assessment Test (CAT)in the quality of life of the patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and to discuss the correlation between with Bode index.Methods:Choose 89 COPD patients of Respiratory and critical care medicine of xinjiang uygur autonomous region people's hospital from June 2010 to June 2012. Graded CAT and Bode index in the acute phase and stable phase. CAT score and of the acute phase and stable phase for matching t test, evaluate thesensitivity of CAT for patients with COPD condition changes, and then for correlation test, evaluate the effectiveness of CAT.Results:Matching t test showed that CAT score obviously improved in stable phase than acute phase (P<0.01), and clinical symptoms, bode index improved consistently. CAT score was positively correlated with Bode index (r=0.543, P<0.01).Conclusion:CAT is an effective, sensitive and feasible method to evaluate the quality of life in COPD patients.
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