杨长琼 刘凤群 徐海 叶东 程乃俊.6719例住院患者医院感染的监测结果分析[J].,2014,14(14):2750-2752
Analysis of the Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Data of 6719 Inpatients
中文关键词: 医院感染  监测  分析  危险因素
英文关键词: Hospital infection  Monitor  Analysis  Risk factors
杨长琼 刘凤群 徐海 叶东 程乃俊 武警四川省总队医院医务处 
摘要点击次数: 826
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      目的:分析我院住院患者医院感染的发病特点和危险因素。方法:利用前瞻性监测和回顾性分析方法对2012 年1~3 月我 院收治的6719 例住院患者中发生医院感染的病例进行调查分析。结果:6719 例住院患者发生医院感染145 例,感染率2.16 %;感 染部位以呼吸系统为首(59.3 %),其余依次为为胃肠道(17.2 %)和泌尿道(11.7 %);ICU 的感染率最高,为22.0%,其次为外科系统 (4.03%)和内科系统(1.71%)。病原学检测送检率为51.0 %,阳性率为78.3 %,共检出118 株病原菌,其中革兰氏阴性菌占57.6 %, 真菌占22.9 %,革兰氏阳性菌占17.8 %。导致院内感染的危险因素中最常见的为放疗化疗(31.0 %)、气管切开(15.9 %)、导尿插管 (17.9 %)。结论:加强医务人员的感控意识,强化卫生制度,严格执行无菌操作规程,合理应用抗菌药物是控制医院感染发生的重 要措施。
      Objective:To analyze the characteristics and risk factors of nosocomial infection in our hospital.Methods:Prospective surveillance and retrospective investigation and analysis were used to investigate the situation of nosocomial infection in 6719 cases of hospitalized patients from January to March 2012 in our hospital.Results:Among all the inpatients, 145 cases of nosocomiaI infection were found, the infection rate was 2.16 %; respiratory system was the first infection site, which accounted for 59.3 %, then 17.2 % of gastrointestinal tract and 11.7%of urinary system. The infection rate of intensive care unit was 22.0 %, which was the highest, then 4.03 % of surgery systems and 1.71 % of internal medicine systems. The sample detection rate was 51.0 %,78.3 % of which were positive, detecting a total of 118 pathogens, including Gram-negative bacteria that accounted for 57.6 % and the positive bacteria accounted for 17.8 %, fungi accounted for 22.9 %. The risk factors of nosocomial infection were described as follows in order: radiotherapy and chemotherapy(31.0 %), tracheotomy(15.9 %), retention catheterization(17.9 %).Conclusion:Infection control awareness of the medical staff should be increased, and the hand hygiene system, strictly enforcing the sterile operating procedures, the rational use of antimicrobial drugs are important measurements for control of hospital infection.
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