王科杨帆罗平漆建鑫陈学明△.重组人γ- 干扰素辅助治疗脊柱结核手术的临床研究*[J].,2014,14(17):3322-3324
重组人γ- 干扰素辅助治疗脊柱结核手术的临床研究*
Clinical Research on Recombined Human Interferon-Gamma AdjuvantTherapy with Spinal Tuberculosis Operation*
中文关键词: 重组  干扰素  脊柱结核  手术
英文关键词: Recombined  Interferon-gamma  Spinal tuberculosis  Operation
王科杨帆罗平漆建鑫陈学明△ 湖南株洲市三三一医院脊柱科湖南株洲412002 
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      摘要目的:观察重组人γ- 干扰素辅助治疗脊柱结核手术的临床疗效。方法:选择2009 年6月至2012 年6 月在我院治疗脊柱结 核患者110 例,随机分成实验组和对照组,每组55 例。对照组患者行手术治疗,手术前后予抗结核治疗,观察组在对照组治疗的 基础上加用酌-干扰素治疗。观察和比较两者患者症状改善情况、Frankel分级、并发症及复发率。结果:治疗组优良率为(96.4%)高 于对照组(83.6%),两组患者功能评价比较差异均有统计学意义(X2=8.0,p=0.005);治疗组并发症发生率为5.5%,对照组为 18.2%,治疗组并发症发生率比对照组低(X2=8.3,p=0.004),两组相互比较差异均有统计学意义;治疗组患者神经功能Frankel分级 E 级比例(98.2%)较对照组为(81.8%)高,差异有统计学意义(X2=5.1,p=0.02)。结论:人重组r-干扰素有改善脊柱结核患者的临床 症状,促进伤口愈合,减少并发症及复发率等特点,值得在临床推广。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To observe the clinical effect of recombined human interferon-gamma adjuvant therapy with spinal tuberculosis operation. Methods:110 cases diagnosed with spinal tuberculosis accepting treatment from June 2009 to June 2012 in our hospital were divided into two groups randomly, the control group was treated with operation, Anti-tuberculosis treatment before and after operation, while the treating group was treated with interferon-gamma.Results: The excellent rate in the treating group (96.4%) was higher than that (83.6%) in the control group (83.6%), which is statistically significant (X2=8.0,p=0.005); complication rate in the treating group (5.5%) is (18.2%) than control group (18.2%), which is of statistical significance (X2=8.3, P=0.004), Nerve function Frankel E classification in treating group (98.2%) is higher than control group (81.8%), which is statistical (X2=5.1,p=0.02).Conclusion: The clinical effect of recombined human interferon-gamma treating in the spinal tuberculosis operation is convincing and reliable. Being able to promote wound healing, reduce complications and recurrence rate, it is worth promoting.
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